Vol. VII. No. 28
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
My E-Mail Address:
New "Quicklinks" are now included
with many items. Otherwise, scroll
down to find your selection in the
body of the blog, as in the past.
Special Item in this Issue -
Book Notice:
"Pulpit and Politics -
Competing Religious Ideologies
in Canadian Public Life"
by Dennis Gruending
Feedback from my personal reflection
on Gregorio Allegri's "Miserere"
published in Colleagues List last week:
Colleague Contributions:
Martin Marty (Chicago, IL)
Jim Taylor (Okanagan, BC)
Net Notes:
The Muslim Luther and Reformation
Giving Up Self-Discipline for Lent
Mormons Allegedly Baptize Anne Frank
Dawkins Vs. Williams was no Knockout
Earliest Mark's Gospel Fragments Found
Vatican Scandals Unappreciated in India
Bishop Sacks Priest for Improvised Prayers
Santorum: "No Such Thing as a Liberal Christian"
Court Ruling Against Religious Freedom in Canada
Modern Church Needs Theologically Literate Laity
Vatican "Leaker" Contributes Newspaper Interview
Qu'ran Burning: Christians Fear More Muslim Unrest
Global Faith Potpourri:
Twelve ENI Geneva stories.
Wisdom of the Week:
John Muir
Gayle Brandeis
Emily Vizzo
Kahlil Gibran
C.S. Lewis
On This Day:
Malcolm X shot and killed by Black Muslims before
he addresses a rally in New York City (1965)
First mass inoculation of children against polio
with the Salk vaccine began in Pittsburgh (1954)
Closing Thought - Ernesto Cardenal
Dear Friends:
I am pleased to introduce a book written
by a new colleague, Dennis Gruending of
Ottawa, and a native of Saskatchewan.
Dennis offers his overview of the current
religious and political situation in Canada
from his perspective as a journalist and
former MP. He held a seat for the New
Democratic Party of Canada.
For those who are unfamiliar with our
Canadian political system, the NDP is a
distinctly socialist party. Some of its
early heroes helped Canada to establish
our national health care system fifty
years ago. Canadians of all political
stripes are happy beneficiaries of this
important component of our national
His book is entitled:
"Pulpit and Politics - Competing Religious
Ideologies in Canadian Public Life"
It informs us of the changing ways that
religion and politics co-relate in our
nation today and expresses his hopes and
Thanks for writing this, Dennis and
welcome to Colleagues List!
Colleague Contributions:
This week, they come to us from -
Martin Marty (Chicago, IL) - who
assesses a book that suggests atheists
are organizing in patterns not unlike
their religious rivals.
Jim Taylor (Okanagan, BC) - who
writes intriguingly about our
obsessions and what they do to us.
Net Notes:
"The Muslim Luther and Reformation" -
here is an interesting article on a
reformer in the religion of Islam
"Giving Up Self-Discipline for Lent" -
a humorous and not irreverent look
at self-denial (Christianity Today)
"Mormons Allegedly Baptize Anne Frank" -
those who know a bit about Mormonism
will not be surprised at this, but the
fact that Anne Frank was a Jew who never
converted will upset some (National Post)
"Dawkins Vs. Williams was no Knockout" -
the religion and faith debates continue.
Last year it was Hitchens and Blair.
This year, it seems, Dawkins and the
Archbishop of Canterbury (Guardian, UK)
"Earliest Mark's Gospel Fragments Found"
- we rejoice at continuing archeological
discoveries of biblical material long lost
(Anglican Journal)
"Vatican Scandals Unappreciated in India"
- last week, the news from the Vatican
was mixed. Fall-out from distant parts
of the world is predictable (Uca News)
"Bishop Sacks Priest for Improvised Prayers"
- some Catholic bishops take their jobs
as defenders of the official liturgy very
seriously as this story from Illinois
suggests (Religious New Service3)
"Santorum: 'No Such Thing as a Liberal Christian'"
- the young, Republican primaries candidate
must, like all of us, live with our misstatements
from the past (Huffington Report Canada)
"Court Ruling Against Religious Freedom in Canada"
- the decision of the Supreme Court of Quebec puts
this foreign commentator in a rather critical mood
(The Tablet, UK)
"Modern Church Needs Theologically Literate Laity"
- those who are dedicated to Adult spiritual and
theological development in the local congregation
are pleased to know others believe similarly
(Anglican Journal)
"Vatican "Leaker" Contributes Newspaper Interview"
- it would appear that a man who claims to have
provided the world with Vatican 'insider' information
last week has now spoken, anonymously, to the press
(The Telegraph, UK)
"Qu'ran Burning: Christians Fear More Muslim Unrest"
- whenever this foolishness occurs there are always
Christians who pay the price. This story comes to
us from Pakistan (Uca News)
Global Faith Potpourri:
This week, we have access to twelve religious
news stories from around the world provided by
Ecumenical News International, Geneva.
Wisdom of the Week:
John Muir, Gayle Brandeis, Emily Vizzo,
Kahlil Gibran and C.S. Lewis share their
insights with us.
On This Day:
Provided from the archives of the New York Times,
we read the following historical accounts as
they unfolded:
Malcolm X was shot and killed by Black Muslims
before addressing a rally in New York City (1965)
First mass inoculation of children against polio
with the Salk vaccine began in Pittsburgh (1954)
Closing Thought -
This week Ernesto Cardenal provides our closing.
Cardenal is a Nicaraguan poet, priest and
activist. He served as minister of culture in
Nicaragua's Sandinista government and is the
author of many books of poetry.
Blessings of the Lenten Season to you!
Introducing the Full Program
"The Other Face of God:
When the Stranger Calls Us Home"
by Mary Jo Leddy
Ten Monday Nights -
January 16th - March 26th, 2012
(except February Family Weekend Monday)
See the study schedule:
Information about the book from Amazon.ca:
Visit Romero House, Toronto on the web:
NOTE: Mary Jo Leddy is coming to St. David's
the weekend of April 20th-22nd. Watch for new
information as it becomes available.
Welcome to our -
Noon Hour Book Discussions for Faculty,
Staff and Students Winter Series for 2012:
"An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor
Discovering God in the ordinary experiences of life
March 2nd - March 30th - five Friday noon sessions
Time and Location for all sessions:
12:00 to 1:00PM in the Native Centre Board Room
Located above the Dairy Queen, Mac Hall Student's
Led by: Wayne Holst,
Coordinator of the ACTS Ministry, St. David's United
and a Faith and Spirituality Centre Liaison.
Cost of the book: $15.00 each
Join us this year for stiumlating campus discussions!
For more information: Adriana Tulissi 403-220-5451
Co-ordinator, Faith and Spirituality Centre, U. of
C. - artuliss@ucalgary,ca
This week we announce our planned tour for 2013
following our highly successful pilgrimage to
the Celtic lands of Scotland, Ireland, Wales
and England in 2011.
On St. David's Day, March 1st, we celebrate with
the people of St. David's Cathedral, Wales who
dedicate a restored shrine to St. David. This
shrine was destroyed during the Reformation and
is now returned to a special place in cathedral
life. St. David's Celtic Tour folk contributed
to this restoration project.
More announcements to come on these matters.
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or)admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
An accumulation of thirty-five books studied
since 2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents
more than a decade of Monday Night Studies at
St. David's, plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.
Book Notice -
Competing Religious Ideologies
in Canadian Public Life,
by Dennis Gruending. 2011
Kingsley Publishing, Calgary
237 pages. $23.00 CAD.
ISBN #978-192-683-2074
Publisher's Promo:
Based in Ottawa, Gruending has watched this
drama unfold and has participated in it: as
a journalist, a director of information for
the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops,
and later as a Member of Parliament. Earlier
in his career, he worked as a print and
television journalist and as a radio host.
He is the author of six books, including the
best selling Great Canadian Speeches. He has
written biographies of Emmett Hall, whose
Royal Commission recommended medicare for
Canada, and of former Saskatchewan premier
Allan Blakeney. Gruending writes a blog,
also called Pulpit and Politics, which has
won several national awards. Find it at:
In Pulpit and Politics, author and former
MP, Dennis Gruending examines the competition
between religious progressives and
conservatives for power and influence
in Canadian public life. Gruending looks
closely at the political ideology and
tactics employed by religious conservatives
in the public arena, and he also documents
the efforts by religious progressives
struggling to have their voices heard on
issues of equality, environment, human
rights, justice, and peace. Ever with an
eye on history and world events, Gruending
follows this contest between progressives
and conservatives from Parliament Hill to
the church basements, synagogues, temples,
and universities of the nation and abroad.
"Dennis Gruending brings both insight and
hands-on experience to that fraught
crossroads where faith and politics
intersect, helping to trace not only
the rise of a Canadian religious right
but also the first stirrings of a reawakened
religious left. His collected contemplations
in Pulpit and Politics are a must-read for
anyone who wishes to grasp the spiritual
tensions at play behind Stephen Harper's
majority government."
- Marci McDonald, journalist and author
of "The Armageddon Factor"
Author's Words:
There is a fine body of research and writing
in the United States and elsewhere about the
importance of understanding the motivation
and tactics of religious groups involved in
public life. Far less attention has been
devoted to the topic in Canada. I am determined
the "Pulpit and Politics" will fill that gap.
- from the Preface
.. in twentieth century Canada, the old
religious divisions have largely given way
to new polarizations that fall along a
conservative to liberal spectrum rather
than among denominations. The competition
now is increasingly found between religious
conservatives and progressives.
For example, conservative Catholics and
evangelical Protestants make common cause
on issues like same sex marriage and
publicly funded childcare. In fact, they
often feel more at home with one another
than they do with the liberal members in
their own congregations. There is an
enduring contest between religious
conservatives over who should wield the
greatest influence in Canadian public life...
The 1970's and 80's saw the emergence of a
growing network that supported a religiously
and socially conservative worldview. The
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (for example)
began to lobby governments on issues like
abortion, Sunday shopping and gay rights...
These trends have been building for years -
the decline of mainline Protestantism, the
emergence of evangelicals, the Catholic
hierarchy's move to the right and its
growing co-operation with evangelical
groups - but until recently, they have
gone largely unnoticed...
Churches and religious organizations are
not monolithic in their thinking and action.
Many evangelicals, for example, are
considering whether their agenda should
remain narrowly focused on the personal
sphere, or if they should place more
emphasis on issues like climate change and
Add to these factors Canada's increasing
ethnic and religious diversity. The
country attracts about 250,000 immigrants
every year. They are drawn from many races
and creeds, and most politicians recognize
that religion generally plays a more
prominent role in the lives of many
immigrants than it does in the lives of
native-born Canadians. There is a lively
competition among the political parties
for what is known as the "ethnic vote."
Religion appears poised to play a larger
role on Canada's public stage in the
foreseeable future than has been the
case for many years, but there is no
way to predict with any certainty which
faction will exert the greater political
Progressives and moderates within every
religious tradition have a role to play.
They do not have a monopoly on wisdom
and truth, but they can work together
with people of good will - religious
and secular - in a spirit of solidarity
and understanding. The alternative is
not pleasant to contemplate.
- from the Introduction and the Epilogue
My Thoughts:
Dennis Gruending was in Calgary recently
to give a number of talks on peace, and
we were privileged to have him speak at
St. David's United Church as part of his
visit to our city.
Gruending brings both an experienced progressive
stance and journalistic/communication skills
to his presentations. His prairie roots make
him ever mindful that he is part of a larger
social network than simply his own 'kind'
and, while his thinking is always on the
cutting edge of social thought, he knows he
has to bring his audience with him if he wants
to make any real political progress.
In this book, he holds out hope for religious
progressives and conservatives alike. To the
former he suggests that their cherished
tradition in Canada is not dead. To the latter,
he offers the invitation to move beyond the
confined thinking that has sometimes characterized
I view this book as having more substance and
realism than one I introduced here almost two
years ago - "The Armageddon Factor" - by journalist
Marci McDonald.
See: http://tinyurl.com/8ympv74
While both writers have good communicative
skills, Greunding has the advantage - to my
estimation - of being a grass-roots politician
and communicator in small-group settings where
he must constantly deal "on the ground" with
the questions and criticisms of real people.
I was pleased to discover that, even though
Greunding is a practicing Roman Catholic who
has maintained good ties with his roots, his
thought on many subjects seems similar to my
own. While his politics is NDP and mine is
Liberal, we share similar perspectives.
His lay status, but keen interest in matters
religious is a nice complement (when I read him)
to my own background in ordained ministry as
well as my life in the secular academy.
I agree with what he sees as danger in various
forms of political and religious conservatism,
vying for greater influence in Canada today. But
I appreciate the fact that he does not write in an
overly dramatic way when has notes this influence.
The greater danger to a "right-wing takeover," it
seems to me, is a divisive extremism from both
ends of the spectrum, such as we too frequently
detect in political drama coming from south of
our border.
Extremists on both sides rarely speak or listen
to each other.
Greunding writes in a way that maintains the
attention of thoughtful Canadian evangelical
Protestants and conservative Catholics alike
as well as the more progressive folk in both
denominational groups.
We know where he stands on matters, but his
style is always one of openness to dialogue.
For example - while he sees that the pressure
is on mainline, progressive Protestants and
Vatican II Catholics at this time in our
history - he does not write off the continuing
influence of both groups. Neither does he
see their opposites (conservative Catholics
and Protestants) as solid blocks of people
who cannot be influenced by patient, reasonable
In other words, I believe that many evangelicals
with whom I might differ on certain issues like
same-sex marriage are still open-minded people
who have not shut themselves off to other
influences than that which guides their current
thinking. I could also add that I am aware of
some positive conservative perspectives that
caution me against an unthinking liberal stance
on such matters as abortion.
Baptist colleague Reginald Bibby has written much
about the Canadian religious situation over the
years. He writes from the perspective of a
Catholic colleague Dennis Greunding writes as a
journalist and politician. Both cover much of the
same material, but from different perspectives
and with different critical skills and
I am the richer for reading and continuing to
dialogue with both men, and I believe that you,
my readers, would discover the same.
Consider buying and carefully reading Greunding
as I have. It should be well worth your time
and effort.
And don't forget to consult his blog:
Buy the book from Amazon.ca:
by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652)
"Thoughts on a Choir Piece"
Posted February 17th, 2012
Last week I wrote about a troubling
encounter with the words of a very
famous piece of music "Miserere"
by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652).
If you missed it, please click:
I got helpful response from a number
of my fellow-choir members.
Let me summarize what I learned.
All expressed concern about the wording,
based on Psalm 51. Singing the piece in
Latin can protect us from direct contact
with the words.
No doubt the true purpose of Lent is an
appropriately humble admission of our
failings and tendency to follow the evil
rather than the good forces at work in
all of us.
However, most seemed to feel that the
original wording and spiritual context of
this beautiful music reflects times and
places differing from our own (Hebrew Bible;
Counter-Reformation Roman Catholic Italy.)
The good to be taken from this reflection,
is perhaps an even greater appreciation for
the music itself. "We can sing what we cannot
say" is how some have traditionally expressed
it among us.
In the pure beauty of the music redemption can
be found, it seems to me. This can speak to
believer and non-believer alike.
Authentic expression is important.
Judgment is not.
Chicago, IL
Sightings Website
February 20th, 2012
"Religion of Atheism"
Okanagan, BC
Personal Web Log
February 19th, 2012
"Slaves to our Obsessions"
- Mun’im Sirry
February 23rd, 2012
by Mark Gali
Christianity Today,
February 22nd, 2012
National Post
February 24th, 2012
The Guardian, UK
February 23rd, 2012
Anglican Journal
February 22nd, 2012
Indian Prelate Discouraged
Uca News
February 21st, 2012
Religious News Service
February 22nd, 2012
Conservative Catholic GOP Candidate
Rick Santorum takes on Obama
Huffington Report Canada
February 23rd, 2012
The Tablet, UK
February 25th, 2012
Anglican Journal
February 22nd, 2012
The Telegraph
February 24th, 2012
Uca News
February 23rd, 2012
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
17 February 2012
Colombia to host international
Lutheran meeting
Geneva (ENI news) - Under the theme
"Together for a just, peaceful and
reconciled world," the Lutheran World
Federation's (LWF) governing Council
will meet in Bogota, Colombia from 15
to 20 June, 2012. The last meeting in
Latin America of an LWF governing body
was in 1990, when the eighth Assembly
met in Curitiba, Brazil, according to
a news release from Lutheran World
Information. The Council, which meets
annually, governs the Geneva-based
federation between assemblies, which
are held every six years.
Libyan Christian leaders
stress reconciliation
(ENI news) - In Tripoli, fireworks were
ignited, guns fired in the air and chants
sounded on 17 February in celebrations
marking the first anniversary of the Libyan
uprising that ended Colonel Moammar Gadhafi's
42-year rule. But amist the fanfare, Christian
leaders emphasized the need for comprehensive
reconciliation and sustained peace efforts to
end instability in the North African country.
"The people seem much happier as from last
October (when Gadhafi was captured) ...
They are joyful, not withstanding the
security situations they are facing, but
we still have to keep praying and stressing
peace and reconciliation," the Rev. Daniel
Farrugia, the vicar general of the Vicariate
of Tripoli, told ENInews in a telephone
Vatican leaks scandal looms large
at meeting to elevate new cardinals
Vatican City (ENI news) - It isn't anywhere
on the official agenda, but as Roman Catholic
leaders meet in Rome this weekend, looming
in the background will be a recent string of
Vatican leaks that reveal a bitter power
struggle among the hierarchy. In recent weeks,
several confidential memos and documents by
senior Vatican officials have appeared in the
Italian media. The leak is "unprecedented in
recent history," said Massimo Faggioli, a
church historian at the University of St.
Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, Religion
News Service reports. In a formal ceremony
on 18 February, Benedict will elevate 22
clergymen from 14 countries to the rank
of cardinal.
20 February 2012
Prison drama takes Ecumenical Jury prize
at the Berlin International Film Festival
Berlin (ENI news) As the Berlin International
Film Festival, or "Berlinale," reached its
climax on 18 February, the Ecumenical Jury
announced its choice of films to be commended
for their artistic treatment of existential,
spiritual, and social issues. This year the
top prize went to "Caesar Must Die."
Directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani spent
six months filming rehearsals for a production
of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" performed by
inmates of Rome's maximum security Rebibbia
Prison. The resulting docudrama, in which
the themes of the play echo the actor's own
experiences, was a hit at this year's festival,
picking up the coveted "Golden Bear" award from
the main International Jury as well as the
Ecumenical Jury's prize.
21 February 2012
Catholic group steps up
campaign against arms
Paris (ENI news) - A leading French Catholic
organization, the CCFD-Terre Solidaire, has
joined forces with the human rights groups
Amnesty International and Oxfam to campaign
for a "bullet-proof" United Nations arms treaty.
The CCFD (Comite Catholique Contre la Faim et
pour le Developpement/Catholic Committee Against
Hunger and for Development) says the absence of
international rules in the trade of conventional
arms contributes to the loss of thousands of
lives every year and also strangles development
in many countries.
Lenten reflections focus on water as
God's gift and a human right
(ENI news) - A series of weekly reflections
are available during Lent focusing on the
"economy of water," offering suggestions for
how people can work toward water justice in
their communities. The Seven Weeks for Water
began 20 February, with additional resources
produced for 22 March, which is World Water
Day and Maundy Thursday.
Violent repression of church demonstration
in Congo raises concerns
(ENI news) - After the Congolese Roman Catholic
church challenged the credibility of election
results in which President Joseph Kabila was
declared the winner, the stabbing death of a
nun and the arrest of three priests and two
nuns in February are causing concern. The
unease heightened after police on 16 February
violently broke up a peaceful march the church
had organized to demand truth about the November
polls. Two weeks earlier, Sr. Mary Lilliane
Mapalayi had been killed at a school in western
Kasai province where she served as a treasurer.
22 February 2012
On Ash Wednesday, Episcopalians
take it to the streets
(ENI news) - Five years ago, the Rev. Teresa K.M.
Danieley had an epiphany of sorts. If people can
grab breakfast on the go or pay a bill from their
cell phone, she thought, why shouldn't they be
able to get their ashes in a flash? That's why,
on Ash Wednesday 2007, Danieley planted herself
in full priestly regalia at a busy intersection
in St. Louis, smudging the sign of the cross on
the foreheads of bicyclists, drivers and bus
passengers, reports Religion News Service.
Fears grow Syrian conflict
may slide into sectarian civil war
Geneva (ENI news) - The increase of sectarian
violence among warring sides in the Syrian
conflict has heightened fears the brutal 11-
month crackdown by the Assad regime on pro-
democracy forces could see the country slide
into an all-out civil war fanned by religious
animosity. "It is vital that all sides refrain
from targeting people because of their ethnic
or religious identity, and that every effort
is made to avoid further civilian casualties,"
said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Catholic Priest resigns
over new Mass translation
(ENI news) - A pastor in Belleville, IL,
has become the first Catholic priest to
resign over the new translation of the Mass,
which was introduced throughout most of the
English-speaking world last November. Bishop
Edward Braxton wrote in a letter to
parishioners last week: "Father William J.
Rowe, 72, has resigned from his position as
Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Mount Carmel…
because, as he has told me forthrightly on
several occasions, he simply could not and
would not pray the prayers of the Mass as
they are translated in the new Roman Missal."
23 February 2012
New Zealand churches mark anniversary
of devastating earthquake
(ENI news) - As Christians worldwide
marked the beginning of Lent, New Zealand
church leaders gathered with Christchurch
residents to mark the first anniversary of
the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that devastated
the city one year ago. Some who attended
commemorative church services on Ash
Wednesday received ashes marked on the
forehead in the form of a cross,
symbolizing undying hope in the midst
of loss and suffering. Others scattered
ashes of loved ones.
Indonesia may pass new law
on religious identification
(ENI news) - Indonesians who do
not identify with state-sanctioned
religions may soon be permitted to
leave the religion column on electronic
identity cards blank under new government
proposals that acknowledge religious
minorities while grouping them with
unbelievers. The Indonesian constitution
guarantees freedom of religion, but only
six faiths - Islam, Protestantism,
Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and
Confucianism - are officially recognized.
Existing law requires followers of minority
religions, such as adherents to the Baha'i
faith and the 200,000 followers of the
Ahmadiyah Islamic sect, as well as atheists,
agnostics, and animists, to hold a card
identifying them as a follower of one of
these six religions.
Provided by Sojourners Online
February 20th, 2012
"In God's wildness lies the hope of the
world — the great fresh unblighted,
unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness
of civilization drops off, and wounds heal
ere we are aware."
- John Muir
February 21st, 2012
"Come back to the heartbeat, the pulse,
the rhythm we all walk to, regardless of
nation or color. Come back to the breath
– inhale, take the world deep into your
lungs; exhale, give yourself back fully.
This is what the body says: release the
peace that lives within your skin."
- Gayle Brandeis from,
"The Body Politic of Peace"
February 22nd, 2012
"Carefully I crafted a loop with the string
and tossed it into the river./
I never caught a fish with buttercups or a
knotted string./
But I saw them swimming by in fleets of
flashing silver/
And for me, that was enough."
- Emily Vizzo
February 23rd, 2012
"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot
work with love but only with distaste, it is
better that you should leave your work and sit
at the gate of the temple and take alms of
those who work with joy."
- Kahlil Gibran
February 24th, 2012
"If you look for truth, you may find comfort
in the end; if you look for comfort, you will
get neither comfort nor truth, only soft soap
and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the
end, despair."
- C.S Lewis
On Feb. 21, 1965 - former Black Muslim leader
Malcolm X was shot and killed by assassins
identified as Black Muslims as he was about
to address a rally in New York City; he was 39.
On Feb. 23, 1954 - the first mass inoculation
of children against polio with the Salk vaccine
began in Pittsburgh.
"Prayer is as natural to man as speaking,
sighing and seeing, as natural as the
palpitation of a loving heart; and actually,
that is what prayer is: a murmur, a sigh,
a glance, a heartbeat of love."
- Ernesto Cardenal
What is your definition of prayer? Would it
include "a murmur, a sigh, a glance, a
heartbeat of love"? Is prayer only set phrases
from a book, or listening to someone else
repeat those phrases on our behalf? Or it "as
natural as speaking, sighing and seeing?"
Cardenal is saying that any acknowledgement
or expression of love is prayer. If prayer
has become a dull, rote exercise in devotion,
it may be necessary to return to the "loving
heart" and leave printed pages aside.
- Mattew Fox
Friday, February 24, 2012
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