Vol. VIII No. 3
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
Canadian Anglican Google Groups:
My E-Mail Address:
Now "Quicklinks" are included
with many items. Otherwise, scroll
down to find your selection in the
body of the blog, as in the past.
Dear Friends:
I am sending this issue of
Colleagues List from Slave Lake
in Northern Alberta, where we
are supporting our daughter Sarah,
son Ronnie and granddaughter Mya
as we welcome our latest grandson
into the world.
He was born August 2nd!
We now celebrate a total of six
grandchildren, with one more on
the way.
My special item this issue is from
a guest colleague. I am pleased to
present a free download of a small
book entitled: "A New Day" by
Reginald Bibby, long-time friend
from Lethbridge, Alberta.
Reg. has been following religious
trends in Canada for four decades.
What he shares with us now is a
distillation of those years of
study, and particularly his most
recent book "Beyond the Gods and
Back" (2011).
Reg. reports that close to 5,000
copies have been downloaded from
his website since it first appeared
a couple of weeks ago.
To access the document and to
offer feedback, just click:
Thanks for this good work, Reg.
In CL this week, other contributions
come from the following colleagues:
Ron Rolheiser (San Antonio, TX)
"A Lesson in Contingency"
Jim Taylor (Okanagan, BC)
Lorna Dueck (Toronto, ON)
"The PM's Faith"
Net Notes gathered:
"US Protestants Losing Ground" -
The downward trend continues to
be seen in a recent survey
(Anglican Journal)
"Phily Church Official Convicted" -
The first clear evidence of justice
seen took place this week.
(NYT, NCR, UCA News)
"Business Booms for Anti-Gay Chain" -
Here is a case of reverse discrimination
(at least in parts of the US)and it will
be interesting to see what transpires
over the next weeks (NBC News)
"Special Event Celebrates Billy's 95th" -
The father of modern evangelicalism
turns 95 with special celebrations and
a website containing news (Anglican Journal)
"Vietnam - First Asian Country OK's SSM"
Social trends, originating in the West,
continue their global quest (UCA News)
"Futurists See World Changing in Four Ways"
This helpful article helps us to better
understand what is impacting on our lives.
(Globe and Mail)
"National Cathedral Holds Special AIDS Service"
AIDS has been with us for some time. This is
evidence of the church's long-term concern.
(ENI, Anglican Journal)
"Religion Plays Strong Backup Role at Olympics"
While there is no "official Olympic Religion" a
strong faith presence is in evidence.
(Anglican Journal)
Global Faith Potpourri:
The 19 news stories appearing this week are
provided by Ecumenical News International,
Wisdom of the Week:
Here is insight from five thoughtful
people brought to us from Sojourners:
Thich Nhat Hanh, Johannes Metz, Pedro Arrupe,
Etty Hillesum, Mother Jones and Olympic Creed
On This Day from the archives of the
New York Times provide the following
news events, reported as they happened:
The "monkey trial" ends in Dayton, Tenn.
John T. Scopes convicted of violating state
law for teaching Darwin's theory of
evolution. Conviction later overturned.
(1925) http://tinyurl.com/bqphq2m
Richard Nixon got into a discussion at a
U.S. exhibition with Soviet leader Nikita
Khrushchev dubbed the "kitchen debate."
(1959) http://tinyurl.com/br5m89f
Korean War armistice signed at Panmunjom,
ending three years of fighting.(1953)
Britain's Prince Charles marries Lady
Diana Spencer at St. Paul's Cathedral,
London.(1981) http://tinyurl.com/cqmypz9
100,000 salute Adolf Hitler at the
opening of the Berlin Olympics. (1936)
"Closing Thought" this week is provided
by Paul the Apostle with commentary
from Matthew Fox.
I hope you are enjoying your summer
(in the northern climes) and your life
if you are not (in the northrern climes)
St. David's and ACTS Ministry Announce:
Our Spiritual Travelers Tour for 2013
April 22nd - May 8th, 2013
Tour sale begins now with $300 deposit.
Full payment due, January, 2013.
Our major tour themss are: Clsssic Greek and Roman,
Early Christian, Muslim-Christian and the beautiful
scenery of the Mediterranian coast of SW Turkey.
*Enjoy Istanbul (Constantinople) long a link between
East and West.
*Classical cities like Troy will be visited and
intriguing ancient sites will be revealed.
*Pilgrims from many of the regions we will visit
were present in Jerusalem at Pentecost - people
from "Mesopotamia, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia" -
(Acts 2.)
*Saint Paul founded churches in many of the centers
of central and western Turkey and we will spend
quality time in places like Ephesus.
*We will come to know cities mentioned in the
Book of Revelation (chapters 1-3) by Jobn.
Cities like Pergamon, Thyatira, Philadelphia,
Sardis and Smyrna
Details such as costs and prep notes have been
edited into a beautiful travel brochure. This
was just sent to all who have thus far expressed
interest. If you are interested, let us know!
The brochure will also be posted to the St.
David's Spiritual Travelers Discussion List Group.
which is your place to express yourself!
To join this unique internet discussion contact:
Deb. Charnusaki - debcharnuski@hotmail.com
Your tour hosts:
Marlene and Wayne Holst
waholst@telusplanet.net (or)
NOTE: David Rostad will visit St. David's
for a Special Turkey Tour Information Night
Monday, September 10th, 2012.
All are welcome!
Fri. Sept. 21st-Sun. Sept 23rd, 2012
Special Guest:
Mary Jo Leddy, Romero House, Toronto.
Guests are presently being secured for
panels, workshop and seminar leaders.
Watch for new information on this
special weekend focused on Canada's
policy for welcoming new Canadians
as information becomes available.
Tuesday Night University Study sponsored
by the Faculty of Continuing Education:
Early Christianity. Cont Ed Course 198-001
Ten Sessions - Sept. 25 - Nov. 27th.
Click this link for costs and details:
Faith and Spirituality Centre Fall Study
Sponsored by the Christian chaplains of
the University of Calgary
A Study of Karen Armstrong's latest book.
Six Weeks - Oct. 19th - Nov. 23rd.
Native Centre Board Room, McEwan Student Centre
at the University of Calgary.
Cost of the book only: $15.
Monday Night Study:
Engaging the early Christian Church -
REVELATIONS - Visions, Prophecy and Politics
in the Book of Revelation, by Elaine Pagels
Ten Monday nights Sept. 17th - November 28th.
7-9 PM.
Cost of the course: $50.
Books on sale at the church, late August and
early September.
"'Wisdom' in the Biblical Literature"
A Six week series running through
fall and winter. 10-11 AM
All welcome. No cost.
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or)admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
An accumulation of thirty-five books studied
since 2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents
more than a decade of Monday Night Studies at
St. David's, plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.
Reginald Bibby Website
July 24th, 2012
"A New Day"
Personal Website:
"A Lesson in Contingency"
Personal Website:
Globe and Mail
August 2nd, 2012
"The PM's Faith"
Soon a Minority Religion at 51%
Anglican Journal
July 25th, 2012
He Ignored Child Abuse Pleas
A Secular Perspective:
New York Times
July 24th, 2012
A Church Perspective:
National Catholic Reporter
July 24th, 2012
(open with Mozilla)
Further Comment:
"A Plea for Honest, Open Dialogue"
UCA News
July 24th, 2012
"Blind Obedience a Dangerous Virtue"
UCA News Editorial
July 26th, 2012
Challenge to Human Rights
NBC News
August 2nd, 2012
Special Web Site Created
Anglican Journal
August 2nd, 2012
Issue Moves Beyond the West
UCA News
July 30th, 2012
The Globe and Mail
July 23rd, 2012
Ecumenical News International
Geneva, July 23rd, 2012
Interfaith service mourns those lost
from AIDS-related illnesses
(ENI news) - With panels from the AIDS
Memorial Quilt surrounding the nave of
the Washington National Cathedral,
worshipers from many faiths mourned
those lost from AIDS-related illnesses
in an interfaith service on 21 July,
reports the Ecumenical Advocacy
Alliance. The service came on the
eve of the 19th International AIDS
Conference, taking place in Washington,
D.C. from 22–27 July. It recognized the
inspiration and commitment of those who
created a "path in the darkness when
there was none" and who continue to act
for compassion and justice to end the
HIV pandemic.
Anglican Journal
July 24th, 2012
London Games Has Faith Presence
Anglican Journal,
July 27th, 2012
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
20 July 2012
First female Anglican bishop
elected in Africa
(ENI news) - The Anglican Church of South
Africa made history on 18 July by electing
the first female Anglican bishop on the
continent, reports Episcopal News Service
(ENS). The Rev. Ellinah Ntombi Wamukoya,
61, became the bishop-elect of Swaziland
and the first woman bishop in any of the
12 Anglican provinces in Africa, according
to ENS.
French town creates 'Esplanade of
Religions' for greater understanding
Paris (ENI news) - It's almost like
the late Beatle John Lennon might have
imagined things: different faith groups
worshiping side by side as a means to
living life in peace. Welcome then to
Bussy Saint-Georges, a French town that
is creating just this scenario. Located
30 kilometers from Paris, the town has
provided land where two Buddhist temples,
a mosque, and a synagogue will exist
alongside one another, as Bussy Saint-
Georges' long-term mayor Hugues Rondeau
pursues his dream of a cultural city.
Iraqi refugees targets of sectarian
violence in escalating Syrian civil war
Geneva (ENI news) - Thousands of refugees,
mainly Iraqis living in the war-ravaged
Syrian capital of Damascus, have fled
their homes due to the escalating
violence and increased sectarian troubles,
United Nations officials said on 20 July.
A senior UN diplomat, speaking on the
condition of non-attribution, told
ENI news "the refugees were being
accused of belonging to the Shia faith,
and of supporting the Assad regime."
23 July 2012
To fast or not to fast: Muslim athletes
face dilemma at Olympic Games
(ENI news) - Several of the world's top
Muslim athletes have announced they will
delay the start of their annual Ramadan
fast this year, as it clashes with the
Olympic Games taking place in London from
27 July to 12 August. During the holy
month of Ramadan, Muslims throughout the
world abstain from eating, drinking, and
sexual relations — leaving the 3,000
Muslims competing in London to ask an
important question: to fast or not to
24 July 2012
Zambians with HIV learning
to live "a positive life"
Lusaka, Zambia (ENI news) - By their
daily lives and examples, Zambians
are living the theme of the 19th
International AIDS Conference,
"Turning the Tide Together." Collins
Mulenda, 33, says he is "living a
positive life" both by being treated for
the HIV virus himself and by acting as a
peer counselor at Our LadyÂ’s Hospice, a
church-affiliated institution, in the
Zambian capital of Lusaka that treats
both inpatients and outpatients for
various HIV-related conditions.
Pope appoints Philip Tartaglia
as new Archbishop of Glasgow
(ENI news) - Pope Benedict XVI today
appointed Bishop Philip Tartaglia, 61,
as the new Archbishop of Glasgow. He
succeeds Mario Conti, 78, a former
Bishop of Aberdeen who is stepping
aside after 10 years leading Scotland's
most populous Roman Catholic community.
Responding to the announcement,
Tartaglia said "I know I can only
be a good bishop with help from above,
so I ask everyone to pray for me."
Indian churches call for end
to anti-Christian violence
(ENI news) - The National Council of
Churches in India (NCCI) has expressed
"deep concern" about increasing incidents
of attacks on Christian churches and
property across the country by anti-
Christian groups. "Worship places are
being vandalized, pastors and evangelists
attacked, false allegations of forceful
conversion are leveled against them,
Christian believers are threatened,
authorities of Christian service
institutions are forced to follow
dictates, burial right is denied,"
noted an NCCI press statement
issued on 18 July.
26 July, 2012
Religion has played role at Olympics
since days of ancient Greece
Washington, D.C. (ENI news) A 600-foot
footrace was the only athletic event at
the first Olympics, a festival held in
776 B.C. and dedicated to Zeus, the
chief Greek god. For the next millennium,
reports Religion News Service, Greeks
gathered every four years in Olympia to
honor Zeus through sports, sacrifices
and hymns. The five-day festival brought
the Greek world together in devotion to
one deity.
Scotland will be first country in UK
to legalize gay marriage
(ENI news) - Scotland announced on 25 July
it will allow same-sex weddings as early
as 2015, becoming the first country in the
United Kingdom to do so. "We are committed
to a Scotland that is fair and equal, and
that is why we intend to proceed with plans
to allow same sex marriage and religious
ceremonies for civil partnerships," said
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon,
who made the announcement.
30 July 2012
In India, churches accuse state
of favoring Hindu temples
Bangalore, India (ENI news) - Church
leaders in India's southern Karnataka
state have joined secular groups in
criticizing the state government's
decision to give 170 million rupees
(US$3 million) to Hindu temples that
agree to pray for rain in a drought-
wracked monsoon season. "Lack of rain
is a worry for everyone... Let everyone
pray for rain. But we cannot approve
of the government spending money to
conduct prayers in temples," Bishop
John S. Sadananda, head of the
Karnataka Southern Diocese of the
Church of South India (CSI), told
ENI news.
Hong Kong churches protest
Beijing-sponsored school curriculum
Hong Kong (ENI news) - Some 90,000
Hong Kong people took to the streets
on 29 July to urge the government to
withdraw a new education curriculum
said to be biased in favor of China's
Communist party. About 150 Christian
schools said they would refuse to use
the course in the new school year.
Many demonstrators marched with their
children for three to four hours in
very hot weather carrying banners
and wearing badges that read "no
brainwashing." An adjunct professor
of history at the Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Willy Wo-Lap Lam, said
the textbooks to be used in the
course present "very crude patriotic,
nationalistic propaganda," according
to the Sydney Morning Herald. The
movement against the national education
courses reflects distrust of the city's
new, pro-Beijing chief executive,
Leung Chun-ying, he told the newspaper.
Religious roots of trees
branch into many faiths
Salt Lake City, Utah (ENI news) - Whether
churchgoers realize it or not, the trees
in their churchyards have religious roots.
Those tall, thin-branched trees on the
corner of Salt Lake City's Episcopal Church
Center of Utah, Purple Robe Black Locusts,
were probably named after a biblical
reference to John the Baptist eating
locusts and honey, Religion News Service
reports. University of Utah biology
professor Nalini Nadkarni hopes to inspire
conservation and appreciation of trees by
sharing what she learns about them with
the public, including giving talks at
houses of worship about how trees and
religion intersect.
31 July 2012
Zimbabwe Anglicans barred
from shrine again
(ENI news) - Anglicans in Zimbabwe's
Diocese of Masvingo are again facing
arrest for trying to commemorate the
life and ministry of missionary Arthur
Shearly Cripps and for carrying out
their ministry, reports the Anglican
Communion News Service (ACNS).
Last year, clergy and pilgrims were
prevented from holding their celebrations
at the Shearly Cripps Shrine in Maronda
Mashanu by excommunicated bishop Nolbert
Kunonga, supported by police. Kunonga
claimed to be in charge of the shrine
and 78 Anglican churches in Masvingo
Diocese. "This year we had arranged to
hold the celebrations from 27 to 29 July,"
the bishop of Masvingo, Godfrey Tawonezwi,
wrote to supporters, "but Kunonga and the
police have once again stopped us from
doing so."
1 August 2012
Campers in U.K. shun beaches
for work on ancient cathedrals
London (ENI news) - While many young people
in the U.K. are gearing up for a summer of
backpacking or the beach, one group is
choosing to stay home and spend
their holidays in a more unusual way --
doing voluntary conservation work in
ancient cathedrals, chapels and churches.
Cathedral Camps, run by the U.K. charity
Community Service Volunteers, is seeing
about 150 young people from ages 16 to 25
painting walls, polishing spires, ringing
bells, surveying tombstones and cleaning
graveyards during the day and sleeping
overnight in gardens, presbyteries or
cloisters. "The experience is a chance
to see the hidden corners of some of the
nation's most iconic religious buildings
in England, Scotland and Wales," said
Hannah Foxon, a seasoned camper.
Norway called beacon of hope
one year after massacre
(ENI news) - Bishop Munib A. Younan,
president of the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF), has called Norway a beacon of hope
and inspiration for the way it has dealt
with the horror and pain of last year's
massacre. Younan, the bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan
and the Holy Land, was speaking on 30
July at the week-long St. Olav Festival
in Trondheim, which runs from 28 July to
5 August, according to a report from
Lutheran World Information, the LWF's
news service. He spoke following the
one-year anniversary of Norway's deadliest
attack since the Second World War, where
an anti-Muslim extremist on 22 July 2011
killed 77 people in two separate attacks
in Oslo and on the island of Utoya where
a youth camp was gathered.
2 August 2012
Orthodox Jews worldwide mark
end of 7-year Talmud study
East Rutherford, New Jersey (ENI news) -
It has been described as a spiritual
calling, a labor of love, a rich
opportunity to connect with thousands
of years of Jewish history and religion.
It has also been called a relentless
endeavor and a marathon of study.
There are no vacations, no shortcuts,
Religion News Service reports. For
7 1/2 years, day in and day out, Jews
around the world have studied a new
double-sided page of the Talmud, the
biblical commentary that, written
over centuries, serves as a guide
to spirituality and practical life.
On the evening of 1 August, in what
was billed as the largest celebration
of shared Jewish learning in history,
some 90,000 people crowded into a
stadium seven miles west of New York
City to read portions of the Talmud's
2,711th -- and final -- page.
Report: "religions tensions" not only
reason for Nigeria's sectarian violence
(ENI news) - A report has revealed that
the violence in Nigeria, responsible for
hundreds of deaths since January, is due
to more than religious tensions alone, the
Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS)
reports. The sectarian conflict is driven
by poverty, inequality and injustice,
according to a high level Christian-
Muslim taskforce comprising the World
Council of Churches (WCC) and the Royal
Jordanian Aal Al Bayt Institute (RABIIT).
The religious aspect of the violence,
the report said, is reinforced by radical
Islamist groups like Boko Haram which
exploit the secular issues, and the
revenge killings by Christians and Muslims.
3 August 2012
Gaza Christians upset over
"forced conversion"
Jerusalem (ENI news) - The small Christian
community of Gaza is in a state of uproar
and has held an uncommon public protest
against the Islamic Hamas government over
what they say are forced conversions of
two Christians in recent weeks. Led by
Gaza's Greek Orthodox Archbishop Alexious,
the protesters gathered on 21 July in
front of the Greek Orthodox Church of
St. Perfidious in Gaza City. They said
they felt growing pressure from Gaza
Muslims to convert, although there is
no official Hamas policy for the
conversion of Christians. "We are afraid
more young people will be forced to convert,"
one Christian who asked not to be named
told ENI news.
July 23rd, 2012
"I myself feel that I cannot get along
with this society very well. There are
so many things that make me want to
withdraw, to go back to myself. But my
practice helps me remain in society,
because I am aware that if I leave
society, I will not be able to help
it change."
- Thich Nhat Hanh, from "Being Peace"
July 24th, 2012
"All too easily we live alienated from
the truth of our being. The threatening
nothingness of our poor infinity and
infinite poverty drives us here and
there among the distractions of every
day cares."
- Johannes Metz, from "Poverty of Spirit"
July 25th, 2012
"I am quite happy to be called an optimist,
but my optimism is not of the utopian variety.
It is based on hope. What is an optimist? I
can answer for myself in a very simple
fashion: He or she is a person who has
the conviction that God knows, can do,
and will do what is best..."
- Pedro Arrupe,
from "One Jesuit’s Spiritual Journey"
July 26th,
"There is a really deep well inside me.
And in it dwells God. Sometimes I am
there too. But more often stones and
grit block the well, and God is buried
beneath. Then God must be dug out again."
- Etty Hillesum, from
"The Letters and Diaries
of Etty Hillesum 1941-1943"
July 27th, 2012
"We are not alone"
"Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee."
- Unknown, from the gospel hymn,
"Just a Closer Walk With Thee"
August 1st, 2012
"Pray for the dead, and fight
like hell for the living."
- Mother Jones
August 3rd, 2012
“The most important thing in
the Olympics is not to win,
but to take part, just as the
most important thing in life
is not the triumph but the
struggle. The essential thing
is not to have conquered but
to have fought well.”
- The Olympic Creed, via
"On Being"
Provided by the New York Times:
July 21, 1925 - the "monkey trial"
ended in Dayton, Tenn., with John T.
Scopes convicted of violating state
law for teaching Darwin's theory of
evolution. (The conviction was later
July 24th, 1959 - During a visit
to the Soviet Union, Vice President
Richard M. Nixon got into a discussion
at a U.S. exhibition with Soviet leader
Nikita Khrushchev that was dubbed the
"kitchen debate."
July 27th, 1953 - the Korean War
armistice was signed at Panmunjom,
ending three years of fighting.
July 29th, 2012 - Britain's Prince
Charles married Lady Diana Spencer
at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
August 1, 1936 - 100,000 saluted Adolf
Hitler on his entrance at the opening
of the Berlin Olympics.
"It is no longer I who lives but Christ
who lives within me... and we, with our
unveiled faces reflecting like mirrors
the glory of the Lord, all glow brighter
and brighter as we turn into the image
that we reflect."
- Paul
In surrendering to his experience of the
Christ, Paul believes that Christ has
taken over his person.
Paul speaks of our "unveiled faces"
or our true selves, reflecting the
glory of God as something that evolves
as we grow. We are not just born this
way; we become "brighter and brighter"
as we develop, mature, and grow
spiritually into greater God-likeness.