Wayne A. Holst, Editor
My E-Mail Address:
Colleagues List Web Site:
Dear Colleagues:
Enhancing your reading experience is very
important to me.
I continue to refine and reduce the length,
but hopefully not the content and quality,
of each issue.
Please let me know how I'm doing.
Thanks for the feedback noted in this
week's Colleague Comment section,
Special Items - this week are:
My Anglican Journal column for July -
"Brief Encounter" - revisiting the classic
film of that name from 1946 (and)
My worship reflection for Sunday
July 24th, 2016 at St. David's United
Church Calgary. It is entitled:
"Lost and Found"
Thoughts on 'Amazing Grace'
- and I hope you find these helpful.
Colleague Contributions - this week are
from: Marjorie Gibson, Mathew Zachariah,
Martin Marty, Ron Rolheiser and Jim Taylor.
Thanks to all five of you.
Net Notes - connect us to ten key articles
of value that were located online this week.
Wisdom of the Week - reflects the insights
of six helpful spiritual guides.
Three news stories appear from the archives
of the New York Times.
A Final Thought is shared by Leo Tolstoy.
For those interested, I include information
on our developing 2016-17 Adult Spiritual
Development program at St.David's, Calgary.
Thanks for joining me again this week.
Arthur Bauer,
Pompton Plains, NJ
July 10th, 2016
Wayne and Marlene,
Your periodic mailings are inspiring,
interesting, challenging -- just what
one is thankful and encouraged and
empowered by. A loud and strong
"Thank You:" -- you have found your
Your periodic mailings are inspiring,
interesting, challenging -- just what
one is thankful and encouraged and
empowered by. A loud and strong
"Thank You:" -- you have found your
vocation and serve it well.
A blessing to all your recipients.
I write primarily to express appreciation
for your article:
"My Thoughts on Attending Two Family
Nuptuals, 2010 and 2016."
Nuptuals, 2010 and 2016."
Even as more LGBT "come out" and are
accepted in society, there are many of
us not in direct contact or experience
with the change about us.
Your thoughtful and incisive stories are
a gift to us. Keep up the good work!
accepted in society, there are many of
us not in direct contact or experience
with the change about us.
Your thoughtful and incisive stories are
a gift to us. Keep up the good work!
My Anglican Journal column for July:
"Brief Encounter"
Revisiting the Classic Film from 1946
My Worship Reflection for
Sunday July 24th, 2016 at
St. David's United Church Calgary
"Lost and Found"
Thoughts on 'Amazing Grace'
My vote for the most poignant moment
in the presidency of American President
Barack Obama to date occurred in June
of last year when he gave the eulogy
for nine black members who were
massacred during a prayer meeting at
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal
Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Many of you will remember seeing the
news clip that featured the president
leading a largely black congregation
in the singing of the famous gospel
hymn “Amazing Grace.”
You will no doubt recall that two of the
most famous lines from that hymn are
these: “I once was lost but now am
found, was blind but now I see.”
(You may even want to start humming
those lines now, and that’s OK!)
We are going to sing that hymn after
my reflection this morning, but if you
would like to locate the famous Obama
clip and revisit my message (since we
don’t have projection today) just google
“Wayne Holst” and click “Colleagues List.”
You will easily find it all online.
Video Clips of President Obama
Leading the Eulogy at Emanuel AME Church,
Charleston SC, June 27th, 2015
"Amazing Grace" (from eulogy)
Charleston Eulogy (complete)
So today I’d like to share some of my
insights on the theme:
“Lost and Found –
Thoughts on Amazing Grace”
- in addition to commenting on Obama
in Charleston, I would like to develop
some discoveries from two of today’s
lections (taken from the books of Hosea
and Colossians) that John Wilkes read
for us earlier.
Obama in Charleston
Charleston was a major locus of the
American slave trade until slavery was
legally abolished during the 1860s after
President Abraham Lincoln.
Use your imagination. Watch President
Obama as he enters movingly into the
eulogy. He talks about “grace” and how
it impacted the lives of the nine deceased;
then he connects to the words of that great
hymn so familiar to him from his youth in
the black church. Gradually, he enters into
his thoughts and feelings behind the words.
He is joined in typical black church antiphony
by members of the clergy behind him, and
the congregation before him.
I believe that this pivotal moment on video
speaks volumes about the president’s own
faith and the community that shaped it.
In spite of Harvard Law School and almost
eight difficult years as US president the
meaning and message of “Amazing Grace”
has not left him. We glimpse at that moment
and note how profound this biblical, Christian
motif really is for him; as it is for so many of
us (repeating) -
“I once was lost, but now am found, was
blind, but now I see…”
We are moved by this. You don’t have to be
black to identify with it it. True spiritual
wisdom cuts across the barriers of race,
class and creed; speaking universally to
people. It spoke to those descendants of
the slave markets who were members of
Charleston’s AME Church, as well as to
the current occupant of the White House.
It speaks to us today. We can quibble about
terms like “being lost in sin” or “being saved
by the blood of Jesus” - but the important
point is this. All of us have experienced what
it means to be lost. And happily, many of us
have been able to celebrate the joy of being
found. The words we use to describe those
feelings may vary, and yet the resulting
experience can be profound.
Lost and Found - it is one of the great themes
of our Christian faith. No matter what spiritual
heritage or faith tradition we claim – the images
of rejection and acceptance, of aimlessness and
new focus for our lives, are known to us.
I truly believe that is what lies at the center
of your faith. It stands at the core of this
congregation’s tradition and remains at the
heart of our current life together. Let’s not
forget that; in spite of all the confusing talk
with which modern life confronts us.
Hosea and Colossians
The unfaithfulness of God’s people is met
by the faithfulness of God. But there is a
price to be paid and judgment is part of
the redemptive process. That, in a nutshell,
is the meaning of the book of Hosea - the
biblical prophet we heard this morning
from our first reading. (repeat)
We don’t like the bad news. We don’t
appreciate it when we’re told we’re
wrong and need to change. Yet, Hosea
was very much a bad news man; even
as he was a good news man as well.
Hosea came from Israel, and from what
was the northern part of the Holy Land
centered in Samaria and Galilee.
Israel had split from Judah, the southern
region and soon Israel was destroyed by
its enemies to the east, the Assyrians.
Hosea was told by God that he had a
lesson to teach the people from all this
– northerners and southerners alike.
To prove his point, God told Hosea to take
as his wife a sinful woman, a prostitute
named Gomer. Just as the faithful prophet
restored unfaithful Gomer by marrying
her and returning her to respectability,
so God will renew his marriage covenant
with God's people Israel and Judah.
A price must be paid, but through the
struggle, forgiveness and redemption
would be possible. The unfaithfulness of
God’s people is met by the faithfulness
of God.
We may question why it is the woman,
not the man in the story, who is declared
unfaithful. But I believe that if Hosea were
telling this formative myth today, he would
advocate for true gender balance and mutual
responsibility. In truth, and again, human
unfaithfulness is met by divine faithfulness.
Amazing grace is what God is about when
God deals with all of us - whatever our gender.
In our second reading, the book Paul wrote
to the Christians of the early church in
Colossae (Asia Minor in modern Turkey)
the apostle writes to a community of
people he had never met, but whom he
wanted to instruct in true faith.
“Rival spiritualities” within the community,
Paul believed, needed to be challenged by
his faithful teachings.
Apparently many of the early members of the
Colossian church had been followers of the
teachings of Paul – possibly through the efforts
of some of his disciples. But the community had
become divided because other teachings
(unfaithful to Paul’s original message) had
begun to infiltrate among the members.
Scholars today tend to be convinced that
Colossians is one of Paul’s authentic New
Testament letters. What Paul claims to be
“true Gospel” is, in fact, real Paul. What
Paul in this letter claims are the“rival
spiritualities” were in competition to
his core message.
”Remain faithful to the truths I originally
shared with you,” he admonishes; “and
don’t be misled by false teachings.” Much
of his letter continues as a repeat of what
the apostle wanted the church of Colossae
to know. He wanted them to stand secure
in “the Way of Christ” as he understood and
proclaimed it.
Hosea and the Colossians (books of the
Hebrew Bible and the New Testament)
were separated by perhaps 800 years of
history and considerable distance (Israel
and Turkey). Yet one overarching theme
connects them. Unfaithfulness is met by
faithfulness. Human flaws are redeemed
because of the “amazing grace” of God.
Sometimes we quibble over these points,
because the world evolves and perspectives
change. But as its core, truth is changeless.
Our task is to distinguish between what is
essential and non-essential.
Concluding Thoughts
As I reflected this week on Obama in
Charleston and on our lections for today -
I see valuable connections between
the hymn “Amazing Grace” and
“unfaithfulness met by faithfulness” -
in the messages of Hosea and Colossians.
President Obama - through the use of
a hymn greatly loved in the black church
and beyond it - was admonishing his
hearers (white and non-white alike) to
resist fear and hatred in the wake of
tragedy and loss. He was reminding all
of us that God’s love and acceptance is
greater than even the worst evils to
befall and affect our lives.
Hebrew prophets like Hosea and Christian
apostles like Paul remind us that God’s
'marriage covenant' with us remains true,
in spite of our infidelities.
“Lost and Found” is a beautiful motif,
describing our faith. All of us, in our own
ways, know that we can become lost.
But thank God that Someone is there
watching over us. We are not alone.
We live in God’s world.
So today I’d like to share some of my
insights on the theme:
“Lost and Found –
Thoughts on Amazing Grace”
- in addition to commenting on Obama
in Charleston, I would like to develop
some discoveries from two of today’s
lections (taken from the books of Hosea
and Colossians) that John Wilkes read
for us earlier.
Obama in Charleston
Charleston was a major locus of the
American slave trade until slavery was
legally abolished during the 1860s after
President Abraham Lincoln.
Use your imagination. Watch President
Obama as he enters movingly into the
eulogy. He talks about “grace” and how
it impacted the lives of the nine deceased;
then he connects to the words of that great
hymn so familiar to him from his youth in
the black church. Gradually, he enters into
his thoughts and feelings behind the words.
He is joined in typical black church antiphony
by members of the clergy behind him, and
the congregation before him.
I believe that this pivotal moment on video
speaks volumes about the president’s own
faith and the community that shaped it.
In spite of Harvard Law School and almost
eight difficult years as US president the
meaning and message of “Amazing Grace”
has not left him. We glimpse at that moment
and note how profound this biblical, Christian
motif really is for him; as it is for so many of
us (repeating) -
“I once was lost, but now am found, was
blind, but now I see…”
We are moved by this. You don’t have to be
black to identify with it it. True spiritual
wisdom cuts across the barriers of race,
class and creed; speaking universally to
people. It spoke to those descendants of
the slave markets who were members of
Charleston’s AME Church, as well as to
the current occupant of the White House.
It speaks to us today. We can quibble about
terms like “being lost in sin” or “being saved
by the blood of Jesus” - but the important
point is this. All of us have experienced what
it means to be lost. And happily, many of us
have been able to celebrate the joy of being
found. The words we use to describe those
feelings may vary, and yet the resulting
experience can be profound.
Lost and Found - it is one of the great themes
of our Christian faith. No matter what spiritual
heritage or faith tradition we claim – the images
of rejection and acceptance, of aimlessness and
new focus for our lives, are known to us.
I truly believe that is what lies at the center
of your faith. It stands at the core of this
congregation’s tradition and remains at the
heart of our current life together. Let’s not
forget that; in spite of all the confusing talk
with which modern life confronts us.
Hosea and Colossians
The unfaithfulness of God’s people is met
by the faithfulness of God. But there is a
price to be paid and judgment is part of
the redemptive process. That, in a nutshell,
is the meaning of the book of Hosea - the
biblical prophet we heard this morning
from our first reading. (repeat)
We don’t like the bad news. We don’t
appreciate it when we’re told we’re
wrong and need to change. Yet, Hosea
was very much a bad news man; even
as he was a good news man as well.
Hosea came from Israel, and from what
was the northern part of the Holy Land
centered in Samaria and Galilee.
Israel had split from Judah, the southern
region and soon Israel was destroyed by
its enemies to the east, the Assyrians.
Hosea was told by God that he had a
lesson to teach the people from all this
– northerners and southerners alike.
To prove his point, God told Hosea to take
as his wife a sinful woman, a prostitute
named Gomer. Just as the faithful prophet
restored unfaithful Gomer by marrying
her and returning her to respectability,
so God will renew his marriage covenant
with God's people Israel and Judah.
A price must be paid, but through the
struggle, forgiveness and redemption
would be possible. The unfaithfulness of
God’s people is met by the faithfulness
of God.
We may question why it is the woman,
not the man in the story, who is declared
unfaithful. But I believe that if Hosea were
telling this formative myth today, he would
advocate for true gender balance and mutual
responsibility. In truth, and again, human
unfaithfulness is met by divine faithfulness.
Amazing grace is what God is about when
God deals with all of us - whatever our gender.
In our second reading, the book Paul wrote
to the Christians of the early church in
Colossae (Asia Minor in modern Turkey)
the apostle writes to a community of
people he had never met, but whom he
wanted to instruct in true faith.
“Rival spiritualities” within the community,
Paul believed, needed to be challenged by
his faithful teachings.
Apparently many of the early members of the
Colossian church had been followers of the
teachings of Paul – possibly through the efforts
of some of his disciples. But the community had
become divided because other teachings
(unfaithful to Paul’s original message) had
begun to infiltrate among the members.
Scholars today tend to be convinced that
Colossians is one of Paul’s authentic New
Testament letters. What Paul claims to be
“true Gospel” is, in fact, real Paul. What
Paul in this letter claims are the“rival
spiritualities” were in competition to
his core message.
”Remain faithful to the truths I originally
shared with you,” he admonishes; “and
don’t be misled by false teachings.” Much
of his letter continues as a repeat of what
the apostle wanted the church of Colossae
to know. He wanted them to stand secure
in “the Way of Christ” as he understood and
proclaimed it.
Hosea and the Colossians (books of the
Hebrew Bible and the New Testament)
were separated by perhaps 800 years of
history and considerable distance (Israel
and Turkey). Yet one overarching theme
connects them. Unfaithfulness is met by
faithfulness. Human flaws are redeemed
because of the “amazing grace” of God.
Sometimes we quibble over these points,
because the world evolves and perspectives
change. But as its core, truth is changeless.
Our task is to distinguish between what is
essential and non-essential.
Concluding Thoughts
As I reflected this week on Obama in
Charleston and on our lections for today -
I see valuable connections between
the hymn “Amazing Grace” and
“unfaithfulness met by faithfulness” -
in the messages of Hosea and Colossians.
President Obama - through the use of
a hymn greatly loved in the black church
and beyond it - was admonishing his
hearers (white and non-white alike) to
resist fear and hatred in the wake of
tragedy and loss. He was reminding all
of us that God’s love and acceptance is
greater than even the worst evils to
befall and affect our lives.
Hebrew prophets like Hosea and Christian
apostles like Paul remind us that God’s
'marriage covenant' with us remains true,
in spite of our infidelities.
“Lost and Found” is a beautiful motif,
describing our faith. All of us, in our own
ways, know that we can become lost.
But thank God that Someone is there
watching over us. We are not alone.
We live in God’s world.
Marjorie Gibson,
Vancouver, BC
Marjorie Remembers Blog
July 9th, 2016
Mathew Zachariah
Calgary, AB
July 11th, 2016
I write a suggestion for your CL blog.
This is a very interesting l-o-n-g article by
a journalist about his three-week visit to
Israel with 450 "Christian Zealots."
Your readers might be interested.
(there is a cost to read complete article)
Harper's Magazine, July 22nd, 2016
"My Holy Land Vacation:
Touring Israel With 450 Christian Zionists"
Martin Marty,
Chicago, IL
July 18th, 2016
"White Protestant America"
Religion News Service
July 12th, 2016
"'The End of White Christian America'
(the phrase) is Meaningless"
Ron Rolheiser,
San Antonio., TX
Personal Web Site
July 18th, 2016
"Angels With Sicles and God's Fury"
Jim Taylor,
Okanagan, BC
Personal Web Log
July 17th, 2016
"Internet Pro and Con"
July 20th, 2016
"A Handful of Theologies"
Netherlands Tells Full Holocaust
Story of How 75-80% of Dutch
Jews were Annihilated.
New York Times
July 17th, 2016
Why More Western Concern for Paris?
July 3rd, 2016
Where Goliath May Have Walked
Religion News Service
July 9th, 2016
Following a Heroic President
Spiritual Politics
July 13th, 2016
Canadian Church Joins Others
CBC.ca News
July 12th, 2016
Space Limits Lead to Policy
that is Closer to Hindu Beliefs
UCA News
July 19th, 2016
Funerals for Men, Women, Children
New York Times,
July 19th, 2016
Muslim Cleric Lives in US Exile
Religion News Service
July 17th, 2016
Christian Week Online
July 18th, 2016
Responding to the Republican Convention -
"God Has Not Given Us a Spirit of Fear"
Sojourners Online
July 22nd, 2016
Pew Survey Discovers a Bi-Polarity
Party, But No Trump Loyalty
Christianity Today
July 20th, 2016
From Sojourners and the Bruderhof online:
To be wealthy and honored in an
unjust society is a disgrace.
- Confucius
Although the world is full of suffering,
it is full also of the overcoming of it.
- Helen Keller
Generosity is also an act of freedom,
a casting off of the constraints of
prudence and self-interest.
- Marilynne Robinson
A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples
that spread in all directions.
And each one of our thoughts, words,
and deeds is like that.
- Dorothy Day
Obviously, while I love all, I must, like Christ
have a special love for the poor. At the last
judgement, we shall all be judged by the
treatment we have given to Christ, to Christ
in the person of those who are hungry or
thirsty, who are dirty, wounded, and oppressed.
- Dom Helder Camara
Perhaps the moral ambiguity of money is
most plainly evidenced in the popular belief
that money itself has value and that the
worth of other things or of men is somehow
measured in monetary terms, rather than
the other way around.
- William Stringfellow
I am not afraid of being thought a sentimentalist
when I say that I believe natural beauty has a
necessary place in the spiritual development of
an individual or a society. I believe that whenever
we destroy beauty, or whenever we substitute
something manmade and artificial for a natural
feature of the earth, we have retarded some
part of our spiritual growth.
- Rachel Carson
From the Archives of the New York Times
"Spanish Civil War Begins. Franco Emerges"
"Last Russian Czar/Family Executed by Bolsheviks"
"Monkey Trial Ends in Tennessee; John Scopes
Found Guilty of Teaching Evolution"
Wrong does not cease to be wrong
because the majority share in it.
For Those Interested
Beginning Our Program Planning Season -
Autumn 2016 Adult Spiritual Development
ACTS Ministry at St. David's United Church,
This series begins in September
Theme: "Rediscovering the Bible for Today"
Book: "Reclaiming the Bible
for a Non-Religious World"
by Bishop John Spong
A ten-week introduction to the entire Bible
with help to engage it meaningfully, today.Ten Monday evenings, 7-9PM
In the St. David's TM Room
September 19th - November 28th, 2016
Excluding Monday of Thanksgiving Weekend
Books and Registration/Hospitality - $60.00
Books only - $20.00
Total book sets made available for sale: 35.
All sale books have now been secured.
Now beginning eighteen years
of Monday Night Studies
Our thirty-fifth series of
(usually) ten week sessions!
Course design: TBA in September
Check our complete archives
for all 48 book studies since 2000:
Theme: TBA in September, 2016
Group Decides Theme at First Meeting
Ten sessions 10-11 AM
Gathering at 9:30 AM
In the St. David's TM Room
September 15th - November 24th.
No charge.
Study resource -
The DK Complete Bible Handbook
(copy available in our church library)
The Planning Cycle for a 2017 Tour Continues.
The Travel Destination has been selected
with Rostad Tours. It is a seventeen-day trip
which will take place in October of next year.
Location, cost and itinerary will be made
available summer 2016. Promotion will begin
in September. Follow these notices for
weekly updates.