Vol. VI. No. 18
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
Good Words to Start 2011 -
This moment cannot pass without a comment
about Colleagues List from this end.
Your "idea," and continuing fulfillment of it,
is an exciting example, a model of "calling"
which enriches every life it touches. A BIG
"Thank you" to you for starting it, keeping
it going, and teaching/inspiring us often
throughout the year.
You are a Blessing to us all. Thanks!
Art Bauer
Pompton Plains, NJ.
In this Issue -
Special Item:
"Is it Fitting?"
My sermon for:
The Baptism of Our Lord
Sunday, January 9th, 2010
Colleague Comment and Contributions:
Jim Taylor
Martin Marty
Herb O'Driscoll
Isabel Gibson
Net Notes:
Egypt's Coptic Tensions
Car Bomb Hits Egyptian Church
Coptic Christians Respond Bravely
Punjabi Governor Killed by Bodyguard
Pope is 'Stunned' by Religious Violence
Pope Calls Interfaith Meeting at Assisi
Remembering Christians Who Are Persecuted
Week of Prayer for Unity Focus - Jerusalem
Catholic Stores Withdraw 'Dangerous' Books
Ten Worst Countries to Practice Christianity
Police Criticized for Apology to Ottawa Muslims
Eliza Griswold - on the Muslim-Christian Divide
Global Faith Potpourri
2 Stories from Ecumenical News International
Quotes of the Week:
Dorotheus of Gaza
Anne Frank
John Wesley
Mother Theresa
On This Day (Jan 1st - Jan 1st)
Jan. 1, 1959 - Castro overthrows Batista in Cuba
Jan. 7, 1979 - Vietnam overthrows Cambodian
Jan. 9, 1968 - Surveyor 7 space probe makes soft
moon landing
Closing Thought
Dear Friends:
Here is my first issue of Colleagues List
for the year 2011. I hope you will enjoy it!
My Special Item for this week is a sermon which
was preached at St. David's United Church, Calgary
for the Sunday of the Baptism of Our Lord, which
this year is celebrated, January 9th.
The reflection is entitled:
"Is it Fitting?" (Matthew 3:13-16)
Colleague Contributions this week are provided by:
Jim Taylor - an Epiphany reflection on "seeing the light"
Martin Marty - an update on the health of his friend
and a hero for many of us, Fr. Andrew Greeley.
Herb O'Driscoll - an article of philosophical thought
he found in the New York Times - "The Arena Culture"
Isabel Gibson - a personal reflection on the recent
death of her father, Sheldon Gibson of Calgary
Net Notes:
Stories in this section are dominated by a rash
of religious violence that has enveloped the
world early this new year of 2011:
"Egypt's Coptic Tensions" - this interpretive
article which appeared during 2010, give some
background tothe religious violence currently
occurring in Egypt (Religion and Ethics, NPR)
"Car Bomb Hits Egyptian Church" - this story
dominated the week's international news and I
have collected a number of articles from around
the world on this subject (Time Magazine, The Hindu,
Anglican Church News, Sydney Morning Herald)
"Coptic Christians Respond Bravely" - generally
speaking, the response of Coptic Christian in Egypt
and around the world has been admirable (BBC,
NY Times, Abram.org)
"Punjabi Governor Killed by Bodyguard" - another sad
development this week was the political assassination
of a moderate Islamic governor in the Punjab
(Arab News, Life News)
"Pope is 'Stunned' by Religious Violence"- comment
from Rome was swift. The pope was deeply affected
by the violent news from several parts of the world
(Washington Post)
"Pope Calls Interfaith Meeting at Assisi" - his
initial response this week was a call together a
gathering, based on the original interfaith meeting
held at Assisi, Italy to respond to the violence
(The Tablet, UK)
"Remembering Christians Who Are Persecuted" -
this article, appearing before Christmas describes
the persecution of Christians on a global scale
(National Post)
"Week of Prayer for Unity Focus - Jerusalem" -
this year, Week of Prayer ecumenical meditations
will centre on Jerusalem and the three faiths that
claim deep roots here (Anglican Journal News)
"Catholic Stores Withdraw 'Dangerous' Books" - a
strange story from Vietnam where Catholic bishops
there decry the use of biblical literature authored
by the late William Barclay of Scotland (Ucan News)
"Ten Worst Countries to Practice Christianity" -
another article on global religious persecution
(Open Doors - The Persecuted Church website)
"Police Criticized for Apology to Ottawa Muslims" -
in Canada, Ottawa police are criticized for showing
more religious tolerance toward Muslims than to
other faiths (Vancouver Sun)
"Eliza Griswold - on the Muslim-Christian Divide" -
the daughter of a former Episcopalian primate in
the USA attempts to explain religious violence
at particular fault lines between Christians and
Muslims in Africa. This is a very good report.
(Religion and Ethics, NPR)
Global Faith Potpourri
ENI begins the new year with a new staff and
working policy at the World Council of Churches
in Geneva
2 Stories from Ecumenical News International:
The Copts
The Vote in the Sudan
Quotes of the Week:
Dorotheus of Gaza, Anne Frank, John Wesley and
Mother Theresa share their wisdom with us.
On This Day (Jan 1st - Jan 1st)
Special stories from the archives of the
New York Times:
Castro takes over from Batista in Cuba (1959)
Vietnam overthrows Cambodian government (1979)
Surveyor 7 space probe makes soft moon landing (1968)
Closing Thought - a reflection on caterpillars
and butterflies
Blessings to you as a new year begins.
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or) admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
Created and maintained by Colleague Jock McTavish
Books Considered:
"An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor (and)
"I Shall Not Hate - A Gaza Doctor's Journey"
by Izzeldin Abuelaish
Books on sale since Sunday, December 12th, 2010
More study and website particulars will be posted
as they become available
We continue our investigation of the New Atheists and
consider the question: "Can we be good without God?"
Text for the course will be Sam Harris' new book:
"The Moral Landscape:
How Science Can Determine Human Values"
(Free Press, October, 2010)
Course description and registration information:
We plan a 15-day tour of special Celtic sites
in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England -
April 26th - May 10th, 2011.
A highlight of the tour will be a visit to
St. David's Cathedral, Pembrokeshire. Choir
members from our group will sing at various
informal cathedral events through the day
and at Evensong, on Saturday, May 7th!
We have 26 choristers signed up as part of the
tour group. This special choir begins rehearsals
in early January - led by our congregation's
music director, Brent Tucker.
Details are presently being finalized with
the St. David's cathedral dean, Fr. Jonathan Lean.
We are also planning to sing while visiting Iona,
Scotland and the Church of Mary Immaculate in
Inchicore, Dublin, Ireland. Fr. Ned Carolan, host.
We continue to gather a waiting list for this trip,
as they may be some drop-outs as we near deadlines.
We have started an interest list for future tours!
Let me know if you are interested in knowing more
about exciting, spiritual tourism!
A collection of twenty-five+ studies conducted since
2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents a
decade of Monday Night Studies at St. David's,
plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines, class
notes and resource pages in your personal and group
The Baptism of Our Lord
Sermon Preached at
St. David’s United Church
The Baptism of Our Lord
Sunday, January 9th, 2011
May you experience the peace of God our loving
Father, the caring partnership of our brother,
Jesus, and the on-going enlightenment of the
TEXT: Matthew 3: 13-15 (selections)
Then Jesus appeared - (as) he was to be baptized
by John (who)tried to dissuade him with the words –
“It is I who need baptism from you, and yet you
come to me?” But Jesus replied “Leave it like
this for the time being; it is fitting that we
should, in this way,do all that uprightness
demands.” Then John gave in to him.
May the words of my mouth and the devotion of our
hearts find acceptance in your sight, O Lord, our
strength and our redeemer.
When is it good to omit doing the expedient thing
in favour of doing the fitting thing? When is it
better to be wise, rather than to act out of our
natural inclinations? When, in other words, should
we take the advice of Jesus and response of John
as our model?
I would like to unpack for you, today, some of the
discoveries I have made from my encounter this week
with the beautiful story of the Baptism of Jesus,
the festival after which this Sunday is named and
the subject of today’s scripture text. I want to
reflect with you on the matter of doing what is
fitting at strategic moments of life rather than
doing what is expedient – or reacting from our
inclinations of the moment.
Our text today gives us clues for following the
wisdom of how John the Baptist - Jesus’ designated
advocate and sponsor – went against his natural
judgment in order to do the fitting thing - so that
something great could happen!
At a significant moment in their relationship and
in the drama of our salvation, John sidestepped
expediency and did what was fitting.
The result was that Jesus had a marvelous debut –
a significant introduction to the world. Jesus’
baptism was endorsed by of the Hebrew prophets
who foretold it, the Holy Spirit who honoured it,
and by God who confirmed it.
The crux of the story, it seems to me, hangs on
John the Baptizer who questions his role in this
“It is fitting that we do this,” said Jesus, who
saw beyond the understanding of John's baptism as
an occasion of great import. The act was of no
small significance. Not only did it symbolize a
new beginning. It introduced Jesus to the world
as Lord and Saviour.
Let me declare something of my own faith
at this point.
As much as I believe that there are other ways
to God than through Jesus, I rejoice that today
“it is fitting” to encounter God directly through
faith in Jesus, who is my Lord and Saviour.
I believe we Christians need to claim this truth,
even as we seek to live faithfully and respectfully
in a multi-faith world.
Here are two stories from my own experience which
help me to understand when it is better “to be
fitting, rather than to be expedient.”
Many years ago, when I was completing my final
year of university undergrad work, I found
myself is a deep quandary. I had worked so hard
on my studies and worried so much about my success
in writing the exams that I literally collapsed
from burn-out (even though we didn’t call it that
in those days.) Given my own self-understanding
at the time, I thought of myself as a failure;
a mental case.
Instead of writing my exams, I found myself on
the psych ward of the local hospital.
How humiliating! How profoundly debilitating!
Then, one day as I was convalescing at home,
I received a letter from the dean of my
university. “Mr. Holst” the letter said to
my utter stupification “the academic committee
has determined to grant you aegrotate standing,
based on your past performance. You need not
write your exams. You will graduate with
your class.”
That, let me assure you, was a moment of sheer
grace. I had not expected it. In many ways I
felt I did not deserve it. The fact that a
person could actually graduate without writing
final exams was totally beyond my experience
and even my comprehension at the time.
I now look back to that event as one when I
now realize that those in authority treated me
in a way that was fitting, rather than expedient.
In a true sense, their vision for me transcended
my vision of myself. Those having responsibility
for me anticipated that something grander would
result in my life because of this experience. In
a true sense, the expediency of fulfilling a set
of exams was waived in favour of something more
fitting to the situation.
I will never forget that experience. It has
influenced my handling of a number of situations
when I was in the position of those who granted
me aegrotate standing, many years ago.
Not that long ago, I attended a congregational
meeting here at St. David’s.
On the agenda was the proposal to call the first
woman minister in the history of this congregation.
We at St. David’s have a reputation for being
rather conservative when compared to sister
United Church congregations, and I am certain
that sober, thoughtful, conservatism existed
in the minds of many at that meeting.
Were we, in fact, ready to call a female to lead
this congregation when – for decades we had been
led exclusively by males? A number of women from
the congregation expressed their feelings to me
– though not at the public meeting.
“A woman can’t handle the responsibility” was
the message I got.
Gingerly, the matter was debated. In the end,
we adopted the proposal of the call committee
and the gender of those leading our congregation
since that time has taken a decided turn toward
the female – to which the picture gallery in
our lobby will testify.
What happened at that congregational meeting
(which some of you here present may still
recall?) I believe that the Spirit of God
was present in this place when most of those
voting made a fitting, and not necessarily
expedient, decision. Our life together has
never been the same, because we have discovered
that true leadership ability is not the purview
of only one gender.
Let me add a further example. This one is from the
future and not the past.
I believe the time will come when this congregation
will need to think about gender and leadership in
ways we have not yet considered. If current trends
continue (consider for example the classroom gender
makeup in many of our theological colleges) we are
becoming a community led by women rather than men.
What will happen if there are only women available
to lead congregations like ours? What impact might
that have on the minds of young boys who may know
only female leadership models in their schools and
churches? Will the numbers of men (compared to
women) attracted to education and religion continue
to decline in liberal societies?
I do not claim to have answers to these questions,
but they do concern me, and I believe they concern
many other thoughtful people of both genders as we
contemplate the future.
While I do not know what our decisions will be,
I hope that we may follow an important principle
in the way we live community and chose our
leadership in the years ahead.
May it be that we do the fitting thing,
not the expedient one.
Why is it often wise to anticipate a fitting,
rather than an expedient result?
The struggle to determine the fitting over the
expedient is not simple. We are not fortune-
tellers. We have no special awareness of that
the future holds.
What we do possess, however, is a wisdom that
can be discerned from Jesus and those who trust
in him.
We might be guided by formuling questions like –
what decision will allow for the greatest general
benefit, the most freedom and flexibility, the
best opportunity for human fulfillment?
My university authorities – those who had
control of my academic destiny at that crucial
moment in time – were very conscious of the
importance of their decision. Would they come
down hard on “following the rules?” and “of
my passing exams?” or did they sense that by
giving this student special consideration at
that highly sensitive moment they were providing
him with an unexpected benefit, a freedom, and
an opportunity to learn frome experience; to move
ahead with greater maturity, more fully -
developed as a person?
The decision-makers here at St. David’s who
determined to call the first women pastoral
leaders in our history – were also very much
aware of the crucial nature of their decision.
I, for one, wanted my children, especially my
daughters, to observe role-models other than
male so that their identities would be empowered
and enhanced in ways that had not been previously
possible for them.
If we look back in retrospect, fitting decisions
all seem so very right; but at the time, such
possibilities are unprecedented. Making decisions
based exclusively on custom is just not good
The climactic moment of our scriptural lesson
for today is the the baptism at the Jordan River,
when Jesus is presented to the world as Lord and
That glorious development happened because of
the wise insight of Jesus. “Leave it like this
for the time being; it is fitting that we should,
in this way, do what uprightness demands.”
John’s humble response to that led him to do what
was fitting and what was needed, as future
developments would confirm.
This text stands as precedent for us now as we
make those important decisions of life that
affect lives and human futures.
I hope these thoughts will be of some help as you
grapple with the important decisions you may be
facing right now. Perhaps it is a personal, health,
or relational decision; perhaps one concerning your
family, or the well-being of other people.
May God help you to decide what is fitting, and
may the examples of Jesus and John today guide
you in your deliberation.
And may the peace of God that passes all
understanding, keep your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus.
Okanagan, BC
Friday, Decenber 31st, 2010
Hi, Wayne,
Happy New Year.
I write this note just to let you know that this
(December 31st) was an especially fine issue of
Colleagues' List.
Ordinarily, I follow up on perhaps three or
four of your links -- this time I must have
followed up on at least a dozen. Took me far
longer than I had wanted! Regards,
Jim T
Wednesday January 5, 2011
Seeing the Light
At Epiphany, on January 6, the Twelve Days of
Christmas come to an end.
Chicago, IL
Update on Health of Fr. Andrew Greeley
January 3rd, 2011
The news on Greeley is not good. 25 months have
gone by and he is only marginally intelligible
and comprehending. The brain injury as severe.
He has around the clock help.His novels sold well
enough that he can sustain (be sustained) through
horrific expenses. He goes to rehab three times
a week. Few visitors are welcomed but Harriet and
I have access. She couldn't stay for our whole hour
the other day; she could not believe what I did
report about how he came "marginally" through.
He is still capable of showing recognition of
Catholic people, but not of priests and hierarchs
(with a few exceptions).
The old resentments are there. And yet I can get
him to smile and make some brief comments. No one
is optimistic, but this is the first time I
detected glimmers. Did I mention that a month
ago David Tracy said mass and held up the book
and Greeley read along some. Significantly,
all the old gestures are there as reflex: e.g.
he knew when to pour the water into the wine,
and did so.
Keep him in prayer
Now I'll read Colleagues list to further
my updating project.
Benisons in the New Year!
PS In the meantime, check this out:
"Atheists Don't Have No Songs" Steve Martin
on YouTube:
Victoria, BC
"The Arena Culture"
We are still spiritual, though secular people
New York Times
Dec, 30th, 2010
Ottawa, ON.
"The First Day"
Yesterday was the first day that I deliberately
did not tell someone that my father had just died.
It’s been two weeks and two days since I saw him
breathe his last: his death is still pretty much
top-of-mind awareness for me. My thoughts jump
unpredictably—the ups and downs of his last few
weeks in the hospital jostle with the transfer
to hospice, his final evening, the flurry of
memorial service arrangements, and events from
his 88-year life as viewed by me for all but 30
of those years.
It’s been two weeks and two days since I saw him
breathe his last: his death is still pretty much
centre-of-heart impact for me. My feelings dance
jerkily—warm memories sashay uncomfortably with
regret for old conflicts, gratitude that someone
was with him, guilt that being that someone wasn’t
enough to change the outcome, amusement at things
that would have irritated or amused him not so very
long ago, and a mild unease at something undefined
being absent from the Christmas celebrations just
completed—someone, as it turns out.
The thinking-and-feeling programming varies, but
the selected channel has been consistent, and the
associated broadcast effort almost constant.
Family first, with cell phone from the hospice.
Lodge residents and staff the next day, in person.
Dad’s community of friends and associates, through
phone calls and a written obituary. My own circle
of friends and colleagues, through staged email.
The directed effort proceeds under its own
unarguable logic: begin with those who must know
immediately and move on to those who will hear of
it eventually and who would feel badly that they
had not heard sooner. Minister, funeral director,
lawyer, pension administrators, colleagues, friends,
and acquaintances who had met him—these are caught
in this intentional net. A parallel outpouring
proceeds under its own emotional imperative: tell
whoever is beside me when the noise in my head gets
too loud. Airline check-in staff, friendly grocery
store clerks, email correspondents who ask how
Christmas went—these are caught in this
unpredictable net. Spilled out onto the trawler’s
deck, all are left gasping for air, yet sometimes
it is the only way I can catch my breath.
Yesterday, my non-stop broadcast stopped. A
hair stylist understandably preoccupied with
crazed clients and the death of ‘glam’ even for
New Year’s Eve-the stuff of his own life—provided
no conversational opening for what was new in my
life, and I chose not to force one. Friends of
friends discussing aging parents over an end-of-
year glass of wine opened the door wide, but I
chose not to walk through. Stepping carefully
to avoid outright lying, I participated in the
prevailing light-hearted and optimistic tone.
Yesterday was the first day that I deliberately
did not tell someone that my father had just died.
Today, I tell you. Two steps forward, one step
back. It’s been two weeks and two days since
I saw him breathe his last.
What a beautiful statement! May he rest in peace.
Background to the Current Strife
Religion and Ethics (NPR)
February 26th, 2010
21 Worshippers Killed
Time Magazine
January 1st, 2010
Obama Condemns Deadly Attacks in Africa
The Hindu, India
Jan. 2nd, 2011
Anglican Primate's Response
Williams Deplores Bombings
Anglican Church News
January 3rd, 2011
Top Egyptian Imam Criticizes Pope's "Interference"
Sydney Morning Herald
January 4th, 2010
Egypt's Nervy Christians
January 6th, 2011
Blast Awakens Egypt to Threat From Religious Strife
A fatal blast at a church has forced leaders to see
that Egypt is plagued by religious extremism that
could undermine stability.
New York Times
January 7th, 2011
Copt's Ire Extends to Their Own Church
New York Times
January 7th, 2011
Egypt's Muslims Protect Christians at Worship
Served as "Human Shields" of Defense
January 7th, 2010
Upset With Official's Stance on Blasphemy
Arab News
Jan 5th, 2011
500 Muslim Scholars Endorse Governor's Murder
Life News
January 7th, 2011
Washington Post
December 6th, 2011
Concerned About Recent Religious Violence
The Tablet
January 7th, 2011
National Post - Holy Post
December 23rd, 2010
Anglican Journal News
January 7th, 2011
Books by Scottish Protestant Biblical Scholar
Wm. Barclay Considered Unfit for Vietnamese Faithful
Dec. 6th, 2011
Open Doors - The Persecuted Church
January 5th, 2011
Vancouver Sun
January 6th, 2011
Going Deeper into Significant Global Fault Lines
Religion and Culture (NPR)
October 15th, 2010
Stories provided by Ecumenical News
International, World Council of Churches
Geneva, Switzerland
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
6 January 2011
Prayers sought on 9 January for Coptic Christians
New York (ENI news) Bishop Angaelos, the General
Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Great
Britain, is asking worshippers across Europe on
Sunday 9 January to pray for "all those Coptic
Christians who have lost their lives in 2010."
7 January 2011
Churches call for peaceful vote in Sudan
By Trevor Grundy
Canterbury, England 7 January (ENI news)--The
Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,
has urged all Anglicans and Christians from
other denominations to stand with the Sudanese
people as that country prepares for its historic
referendum that starts on Sunday (9 January)
and ends the following Saturday (15 January).
In a statement issued (7 January) from Lambeth
Palace in London, Dr Williams, who is the
spiritual head of the 87 million-member
worldwide Anglican Communion, described
the referendum that will determine the
fate of mainly Christian and oil- rich
Southern Sudan as "an immensely important
day." He urged Christians to stand with the
Sudanese people "to ensure that the referendum
takes place peacefully and that the process
and the results are fully respected."Sunday’s
referendum is the final provision in Sudan’s
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which was
brokered by Britain, the US and Norway in
2005 and which brought to an end the decades-
long civil conflict that has claimed more
than two million lives.
Voting will decide whether South Sudan and
North Sudan remain as one or separate with
Southern Sudan becoming a new African state.
The Northern regime of President Omar
al-Bashir wants to hold on to the south and
the 480,000 barrels of oil a day that are
pumped from its fields. African and Western
politicians fear that if Southerners vote
for a separate state, it would trigger the
renewal of war between the mainly Muslim
North and predominately Christian South.
In an interview on 6 January with Episcopal
News Service’s Matthew Davies, the Sudanese
Bishop (Anglican) Joseph Garang of the
Diocese of Renk said that everyone in Sudan
is praying for peace. He told ENS: "All the
troops from the North and South are on the
border and facing one another. Too many
people have died during the civil war and
we don’t want that to happen anymore."
He praised Christians for supporting Sudan
and praying for peace saying, "If we did not
have our brothers and sisters in the UK,
America, Canada, Australia, we don’t think
that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
would have happened. The church played
a big role and talked with their governments,
and their governments took action. The
partnerships are very important to ensure
that peace happens."Staff at the Episcopal
church of Trinity Wall Street in New York
have set up a section on their website
called Praying for Peace that features
links to a rangeof resources and actions
including a Facebook group and an open
letter to the United Nations Secretary
General, Ban Ki-Moon, asking for a greater
UN commitment to Sudan. Capturing the spirit
of Sudanese Christians, and helping to tell
their stories of living in and around the
country’s North-South border region, has
been a year long passion and media project
for a team of Episcopalians from the Diocese
of Chicago. The Renk Media Team has launched
an educational video for those considering
forming partnerships with the Episcopal
Church of Sudan. The media team is named
after the Diocese of Renk which is on the
border between North and South Sudan. A
report issued (9 January) by the Anglican
Communion News Service in London said that
Anglican leaders from Sudan continue to call
for support from brothers and sisters across
its worldwide network.
ACNS said the Rt Rev Anthony Poggo, Bishop
of the Diocese of Kajo-Keji, has asked for
prayers for his country. He said the choice
this Sunday was between unity and separation:
"It is very likely that the people of Southern
Sudan will vote for secession."
Reid Trulson, executive director of American
Baptist International Ministries, called for
a peaceful outcome to the referendum. "In the
historic referendum, the people of Southern
Sudan will decide whether to change Sudan’s
present borders that were put in place by
colonial powers, in order to form a country
in the South that is separate from the North.
We urge prayer that this process will be
conducted in a manner that respects the
dignity and well-being of all.
"Sudanese people who live in Europe will be
allowed to vote at booths set up at the
Methodist Hall close to the British
Parliament in London. Registration centres
have also been set up in Australia, Canada,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenyan and Uganda. Nearly
10,000 South Sudanese live in Britain.
Gabriel Dharmi, 45, told ENI news: "I was
born in war and I grew up in war. My children
have the same problem. This Sunday we are
going to end the miserable life of our people."
Provided by Sojourners Online
January 23rd, 2011
"Each one according to [their] means should
take care to be at one with everyone else,
for the more one is united to [their] neighbor,
the more [they are] united with God."
- Dorotheus of Gaza
January 4th, 2011
"I see the world gradually being turned into a
wilderness. I hear the ever-approaching thunder,
which will destroy us too. I can feel the
sufferings of millions and yet, if I look
up into the heavens, I think that it will
all come right."
- Anne Frank
January 5th, 2011
"One of the principle rules of religion is to
lose no occasion of serving God. And since [God]
is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve [God]
in our neighbor; which [the Lord] receives as if
done to [Godself] in person,standing visibly
before us."
- John Wesley
January 6th, 2010
"Because we cannot see Christ we cannot express
our love to him; but our neighbors we can always
see, and we can do for them what, if we saw him,
we would like to do for Christ."
- Mother Teresa
January 7th, 2011
"I don't preach a social gospel; I preach
the gospel, period. The gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ is concerned with the whole
person. When people were hungry, Jesus didn't
say, 'Now is that political or social?'
He said, 'I feed you.' Because the good
news to a hungry person is bread."
- Desmond Tutu
On Jan. 1, 1959 - Fidel Castro led Cuban
revolutionaries to victory over Fulgencio
Jan. 7, 1979 - Vietnamese forces captured the
Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, overthrowing
the Khmer Rouge government.
Jan. 9, 1968 - the Surveyor 7 space probe made
a soft landing on the moon, marking the end of
the American series of unmanned explorations of
the lunar surface.
What a caterpillar calls the end of the world,
God calls a butterfly.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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