Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
My E-Mail Address:
Special Item:
In This Issue -
Book Notice:
"What the Bible
Really Tells Us:
The Essential Guide
to Biblical Literacy"
by T. J. Wray
Colleague Comment:
Isabel Gibson
Colleague Contributions:
Lorna Dueck
Jim Taylor
Net Notes:
Grampa Says War No Game
Charles Dickens: A Life
Catholic Publisher Sells Porn
Are Canadians Generous People?
Dalai Lama Will Return to Tibet
End Repression Amnesty to China
Monks Ready to Set Selves Afire
Oratorio Tribute to Matteo Ricci
UK Court Rules Compensation for Rape
Sri Lanka 'Conversions' Cause Concern
Global Faith Potpourri:
Thirteen ENI Geneva stories.
Quotes of the Week:
Kallistos Ware
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Teresa of Avila
Baruch de Spinoza
Sara Miles
On This Day:
Nov. 6, 1860 -
Abraham Lincoln defeats three other
candidates for the U.S. presidency.
Nov. 7, 1917 -
Russia's Bolshevik Revolution begins as
Lenin overthrows provisional government.
Nov. 11, 1918 -
World War I ended with the signing of an
armistice between the Allies and Germany.
Closing Thought: Thomas Merton
Dear Friends:
I begin with an invitation to hear colleague
Miroslav Volf speak at Ambrose University,
Calgary, Friday, November 18th, at 7:00 PM.
Here are the particulars:
Currently, we are studying Dr. Volf's
latest book "A Public Faith" (see the
details below under my special Friday
Faith and Spirituality University of
Calgary Fall Study Series.)
Remembrance Day Weekend is a time to
consider the sacrifices of those who
gave their lives in wars to preserve
peace. It is a time to re-commit
ourselves to work for peace wherever
we can.
Marlene and I were reminded of this
again this year when we visited the
disastrous WWII Canadian landing sites
at Dieppe, as well as the Allied
landing sites and cemeteries further
west on the coast. These are must-see
places of pilgrimage when in Normandy.
My special item this week is a book
notice on the title: "What the Bible
Really Tells Us: The Essential Guide
to Biblical Literacy" by T. J. Wray.
Last week, I introduced a new biblical
introduction by Bishop John Spong. Here
is a rather different contribution.
Together, they offer important progressive
Christian theological perspectives.
Colleague Comment:
Friend Isabel Gibson from Ottawa responds
to last week's Colleagues List issue.
Colleague Contributions:
Lorna Dueck (Toronto, ON) - introduces
us to a special series on Canadian
philanthropy that is appearing currently
in the Globe and Mail. An interfaith
perspective is offered in the articles
available to us on this page.
Jim Taylor - (Okanagan, BC) - tells
the story of two influential Canadian
doctors who opened China to western
Net Notes:
"Grampa Says War No Game" - a young
woman writer brings a Remembrance Day
perspective on warfare, linking the
generations (The Calgary Herald)
"Charles Dickens: A Life" - one of
the greatest British writers, is
profiled in this review - warts
and all (The Tablet, UK)
"Catholic Publisher Sells Porn" -
an embarrassing story from Germany
appeared this week from two Catholic
publication sources (Ucan News,
The Tablet, UK)
"Are Canadians Generous People?" -
the theme, introduced above by
colleague Lorna Dueck is discussed
in more detail in this article
(Evangelical Fellowship of Canada)
"Dalai Lama Will Return to Tibet" -
the first of three articles related
to Tibet, this one is an interview
with an aide to the Dalai Lama
(Vatican Insider)
"End Repression: A Call to China" -
Amnesty International has issued a
call to China over a serious issue
that seems to be growing (Ucan News)
"Monks Ready to Set Selves Afire" -
a foreboding scenario is unfolding
in Tibet (The Guardian, UK)
"Oratorio Tribute to Matteo Ricci" -
a Chinese musical honors the pioneering
Catholic missionary work in China of
Matteo Ricci (Ucan News)
"UK Court Rules Compensation for Rape"
- a legal ruling in the UK with some
strong implications for all sexual abuse
coverup (ENI, National Catholic Reporter)
"Sri Lanka 'Conversions' Cause Concern"
- established churches in Sri Lanka fear
the inroads of evangelical missionaries
(Ucan News)
Global Faith Potpourri:
Thirteen ENI Geneva stories
are offered this week.
Quotes of the Week:
Kallistos Ware, Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
Teresa of Avila, Baruch de Spinoza
and Sara Miles offer their insights
this week courtesy of Sojourners.online
On This Day:
Abraham Lincoln wins U.S. presidency (1860)
Russia's Bolshevik Revolution begins (1917)
WWI ends between the Allies and Germany (1918)
Closing Thought:
Thomas Merton offers insight on
"the face of Christ" that has had
considerable influence on subsequent
spiritual thinking, with a comment
by Matthew Fox.
We are preparing for winter at our
place. All yard work is complete.
Now, to put up the Christmas lights
before the cold sets in...
Introducing the Full Program
Series nearing completion:
"Living Ethically Amid Chaos"
Two Books by Richard Holloway
September 19th - November 28th
TM Room, St. David's United Church
7:00PM - 9:00PM
"Between the Monster and the Saint"
Spiritual support for pursuing a life
that seeks above all to be good
Information on the book from Amazon.ca:
"Godless Morality"
Learning how to separate "God says"
from doing what is right
Information about the book from Amazon.ca
Led by Jock McTavish and Wayne Holst
Registration: $25.00 for class fees,
and special hospitality. No more books
are available. Order from Amazon.ca.
A Study Program Sponsored by:
The Department of Continuing Education
At the University of Calgary
Taught by: Wayne Holst
"God, Atheism and Morality" (ten sessions)
Tuesday Nights, 7:00PM - 9:00 PM
September 27th - November 29th
Series underway.
Series underway:
Welcome to our -
Noon Hour Book Discussions for Faculty,
Staff and Students Autumn and Winter Series
for 2011-12
Series One -
"A Public Faith:
How Followers of Christ Can Serve the Common Good"
by Miroslav Volf
Putting your personal faith to work for others.
Oct. 14th - Nov. 25th - six Friday noon sessions
Hear Miroslav Volf speak in Calgary!
Friday, November 18th, 7:00 PM
Ambrose University Series
Series Two -
"An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor
Discovering God in the ordinary experiences of life
March 2nd - March 30th - five Friday noon sessions
Time and Location for all sessions:
12:00 to 1:00PM in the Native Centre Board Room
Located above the Dairy Queen, Mac Hall Student's
Led by: Wayne Holst,
Coordinator of the ACTS Ministry, St. David's United
and a Faith and Spirituality Centre Liaison.
Cost of the book: $15.00 each
Hear Barbara Brown Taylor speak in Calgary!
Friday - Sunday, December 2nd-4th, 2011
Christ Church, Elbow Park
Join us this year for stiumlating campus discussions!
For more information: Adriana Tulissi 403-220-5451
Co-ordinator, Faith and Spirituality Centre,
U. of C. - artuliss@ucalgary.ca
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or)admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
A collection of twenty-five+ studies conducted
since 2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents
a decade of Monday Night Studies at St. David's,
plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.
Book Notice:
The Essential Guide
to Biblical Literacy
By T. J. Wray
Rowman and Littlefield
Publishers, Lanham, MD.
Oct. 2011. $24.95US. 249 pp.
ISBN #978-0-7425-6253-0
Publisher's Promo:
The Bible is the foundational text for Jews
and Christians, but most people, having little
knowledge of what it actually says, feel less
than uncomfortable navigating its pages. "What
the Bible Really Tells Us" solves this problem,
providing a thorough, yet accessible, guide to
the Good Book and the ways in which it can
enrich one’s life.
Opening with a 60-Second Super-Easy Bible Quiz
to test your knowledge, author T. J. Wray then
provides essential background information to
arm readers with tools necessary to read and
interpret passages on their own. And, with
these tools in hand, Wray helps readers explore
what the Bible really says about key issues
What the Bible Really Tells Us is an indispensable
guide for individuals and groups interested in
gaining a fuller understanding of the Bible and
the timeless lessons it imparts.
Author's Words:
A recent Gallop poll asked a group of over a
thousand Americans to declare... their views about
the Bible.
Of those polled, 31 percent said they believed the
Bible was the actual word of God, and that it should
be taken literally. 47 percent said that the Bible,
though inspired by God, should not always be taken
literally. Only 19 per cent said that they believe
that the Bible is a collection of ancient fables,
history and legends recorded by humans. We can
conclude, then, that the overwhelming majority of
those polled at the very least, take the Bible
(Still) based on my many years of teaching and
talking to many religious (and non-religious)
groups about the Bible, I have come to believe
that, for many, the Bible has become more a symbol
of faith - more like a cross or an icon - rather
than inspired writings that have sustained many
generations through the joys an tragedies of life.
Oftentimes when people find out what I teach, they
waste no time trying to engage me in a discussion
about such hot-button issues as abortion or
homosexuality... (but) few, if any, have ever
studied the Bible in a serious way with a competent
... when it comes to ancient texts like the Bible,
many lack even the most basic skills of discernment.
"What the Bible really tells Us" seeks to address
the real and urgent problem of contemporary
biblical illiteracy...
This is not, however, a "how to read the Bible"
book... (instead) we will seek to understand the
communications of the ancient Jewish and Christian
communities whose struggles were so different from
and so similar to our own.
(Understanding the Bible is not easy) but I also
know that gaining proficiency in reading the Bible
is not rocket science.
My first three chapters are designed to help you
understand the problems of biblical illiteracy
and to arm you with some basic tools to help you
read and understand the Bible.
The seven biblical themes that occupy chapters
four through 10 will expose you to a variety of
biblical texts and allow you to use these tools.
These latter chapters are entitled:
Why do we suffer?
Heaven and Hell
The Surprising Truth about Wealth and Riches
A Brief Exploration of Sexuality and Gender
The Essential Aspects of Biblical Law and Justice
The Bible and the Environment
Communicating with God through Prayer and Worship
The idea here is to engage the Bible with topics
that are of likely interest to most readers...
In discussing each theme I have tried to remain
faithful to the thoughts, ideas and intentions
(as well as I discern them) of the biblical
author or authors, something I hope you will
also learn to do... I hope you will view this
book as a starting point for further study...
At the beginning of each semester, I hold up
the Bible and say to my class: "This is a book
that has changed the lives of millions of people.
It has inspired, comforted, and sustained
generations through the countless challenges of
life. But it has also been used as a way to
justify hatred, and every imaginable social
injustice under the sun, all in the name of God.
It is my hope that by the end of the semester,
you will be able to read and understand the Bible,
to discuss it intelligently with others, and to
recognize when others abuse it."
This is also my hope for everyone who reads
"What the Bible Really Tells Us."
- from the Introduction
My Thoughts:
T. J. (Tina) Wray is an associate professor
of religious studies at Salve Regina
University, a Catholic institution located
in Newport, Rhode Island.
That a book like "What the Bible Really
Tells Us" should appear from a professor
at a Catholic university today is evidence
that much regarding the study of scripture
has changed in the Roman Church since
Vatican II.
When I first began relating to fellow-Catholic
seminarians during the 1960's, they were only
beginning to study scripture with the goal of
interpreting it to their future congregations.
Now, we have good evidence from the work of
academics like Wray that Catholic biblical
scholarship has come full circle and can
compare with - sometimes even surpass - the
work done in Protestant schools.
Several weeks ago I was at a Lutheran
clergy gathering where the preacher for
the day was attempting to interpret a
rather difficult biblical passage to
his fellow church professionals. He made
a telling statement, reflective of his
theological formation - "We need to deal
with this passage because it is in the Bible,
no matter whether we think it should be
there or not."
Too often, in my experience with more
liberal Protestants, the advice that
I am given is - "We can ignore this passage
because it no longer applies to us and our
context today.
T. J. Wray takes the text of the Bible
seriously, but that does not mean to reads
it literally. In good scholarly fashion she
unpacks the original book or passage under
consideration and outlines a full range of
interpretations that might be taken from
biblical context. She then suggests some
of the alternate interpretations we might
consider now.
Her approach displays a good deal of both
classic Catholic teaching on a given subject,
but also contemporary interpretations. She
gives tools to her readers to help them
formulate meaningful interpretations that are
both grounded in the tradition but open to
future understandings.
Biblical theology has truly become
an ecumenical enterprise - a far cry
from the days when arguments from
scripture were used to pick fights
with Christians of other persuasions.
The focus in many quarters today is
on common struggle to find truth amid
confusing interpretive variations.
I recommend this book to laypersons
and religious studies students alike.
It bridges the gap between the academy
and real life, and does not sell the
Bible or the modern seeker short in the
Buy the book from Amazon.com
(Note, this book is not available
as yet on the Amazon.ca website,
but an inquiry there should yield
advice on how it might be bought
in Canada.)
Ottawa, ON.
Thanks for linking to my Hallowe'en post
and for reviewing Bishop Spong's new book.
Toronto, ON
"The Giving Page:
How Canadian Philanthropy is Changing"
The Globe and Mail
November 9th, 2011
See a number of articles in the
Glove and Mail Series on giving today:
Okanagan, BC
Personal Blog
November 6th, 2011
"A Tale of Two Doctors -
Bethune and McClure"
Calgary Herald
November 11th, 2011
English Literary Icon
The Tablet, UK
November 12th, 2011
German Firm Well Known to Church
Two Catholic Papers Report
Ucan News
November 8th, 2011
The Tablet, UK
November 12th, 2011
Well, Maybe...
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
November 8th, 2011
Aide Confident at Assisi Interview
Vatican Insider
November 6th, 2011
Free Tibet Website Posts Story
Ucan News
November 9th, 2011
The Guardian, UK
November 10th, 2011
Chinese Production Honors Missionary
Ucan News
November 10th, 2011
Ecumenical News International
November 9th, 2011
British judge rules church liable
for abuse claim
London, 9 November (ENI news) - A High
Court judge's ruling in London on 8
November that the Roman Catholic Church
would be liable for alleged sexual abuse
committed by one of its priests is likely
to have repercussions in other countries,
observers said. Justice Alistair MacDuff
ruled the Bishop of Portsmouth, Crispian
Hollis, would be liable for compensating
a former resident of a Catholic children's
home if her claim that she was raped and
abused by a priest within the diocese is
Church Responsibility is Correct
In Rape by Priest
An American Perspective:
National Catholic Reporter
November 10th, 2011
Fears re Unscrupulous Efforts
Ucan News
November7th 2011
Provided by:
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
7 November 2011
Priest's killing in Philippines revives
anti-violence campaign
Manila, Philippines (ENI news) - The killing
of a well-loved priest in southern Philippines
has inspired the revival of a campaign to end
political killings, supported by international
faith and human rights groups, church workers
said. "Those behind the killing of Father
Fausto Tentorio may have wanted to create
a chilling effect on those committed to
the cause of peace and justice. But the
impact was otherwise," Sister Elsa Compuesto,
executive secretary of the Sisters Association
of Mindanao, told ENInews in an interview on
4 November.
Climate justice youth caravan
heads for South Africa
Nairobi, Kenya (ENI news) - About 200
young people travelling in a caravan
of buses left Nairobi on 7 November to
promote action on climate change.
Their two-week trip, punctuated with
music, dance and drama and sponsored
by faith-based and secular groups,
will end in Durban, South Africa at
the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change's conference called
COP-17. "Climate change requires a
justice response. We cannot to afford
to see it differently. It is not only
an economic, but also a moral ethical
issue. It needs a response that
addresses the injustices it has
caused so far," Paul Mbole, Kenya
country coordinator for Norwegian
Church Aid, one of the supporting
agencies, told ENInews at a launch
event on 6 November.
8 November 2011
In Indonesia, religious peace
is at risk, says leader
Berlin, 8 November (ENI news) - Indonesia has
seen a sharp increase in religious violence
over recent years, with radical Muslim groups
targeting both Christians and members of the
minority Ahmadiyah community. But at an
ecumenical seminar in Germany, the chair of
the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (CCI)
explained that the country's religious leaders
have a common aim in promoting tolerance and
harmony. "Leaders of the Christian community,
together with other religious leaders
(especially Muslims), have always made
an effort to maintain healthy cooperative
relationships," the Rev. Andreas Yewangoe
said at Ruhr University, Bochum on 8 November.
"The nation's problems are seen as problems
that we must face together."
Burma stepping up attacks on
Christians, says rights group
8 November (ENI news)- Soldiers shot
at worshippers at a church, tortured
the pastor and forced dozens of
congregants to work as porters for
the army in military-ruled Burma, also
known as Myanmar, an organization that
advocates for religious freedom said in
a statement on 8 November. Soldiers from
the Burma Army's 88th Light Infantry
Division had attacked the Assemblies
of God church in Muk Chyik, a village
in Kachin, Burma's northernmost state
bordering China, on 6 November,
according to Christian Solidarity
Worldwide (CSW), based in New Malden,
Surrey, England.
9 November 2011
Faith groups urge dialogue
in Indonesia on West Papua
9 November (ENI news) - Faith groups
are calling attention to what they see
as injustice for the indigenous people
of West Papua at the hands of the
Indonesian government. An Indonesian
church group has urged the government
and the people of West Papua who are
seeking independence to "carry out a
dialogue as a commitment to resolve
the issue of violence." The natives
"are still treated unfairly by the
government and ... treated inhumanely
by security officials because [the
natives are] accused of having
committed treason," said the Communion
of Churches in Indonesia (CCI) on 7
Freedom of religion in Russia
faces increased limits
9 November (ENI news)- A veteran human
rights campaigner has warned of growing
restrictions on religious freedom in
Russia, and urged Western governments
and churches to do more to address the
issue. "Although the [officially atheist]
Soviet Union collapsed 20 years ago ...
religious believers still face serious
problems," said the Rev. Michael
Bourdeaux, president of the Oxford,
U.K.-based Keston Institute, which
studies religion in Russia and Eastern
Europe. "What really worries me is that
no one is holding Russia to account.
The right and duty to monitor each
country's human rights record,
established in the 1970s, seem to
have been forgotten," he said.
10 November 2011
In Madagascar, churches intensify
reconciliation efforts
Nairobi, Kenya (ENI news) - As
politicians in Madagascar back proposals
to end a three year political crisis,
churches in the island nation off the
east coast of Africa are intensifying
work for peace, according to a senior
Protestant leader. Churches have held
peace conferences that have brought
denominations together, delivered peace
messages at worship services and promoted
forgiveness and reconciliation, according
to the Rev. Lala Rasendrahasina, President
of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar,
in an e-mail interview with ENInews. Known
by the Malagasy acronym FJKM, it is the
largest Protestant church with 2.5 million
Accidents in Asia highlight
dangers of pilgrimages
Kathmandu, Nepal (ENI news) - At least
18 Hindu pilgrims, mostly women, were
killed in a road accident in Nepal on
10 November, underlining incidences of
accidental deaths during pilgrimages and
religious gatherings in Asia. Police
said the accident occurred after a tractor
pulling a trailer packed with nearly six
dozen people veered out of control in
southern Nepal and fell into an irrigation
canal. The group was heading towards a
religious festival at Baraha Chhetra,
a temple dedicated to the Baraha Avatar,
an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu.
Muslim group banned in Britain
ahead of planned demonstration
Canterbury, England (ENI news) - Britain's
Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced on
10 November that an extremist Islamist group
called Muslims Against Crusades will be banned,
starting at midnight (GMT). The parliamentary
order, handed down in London, will make
membership in the group a criminal offense.
The group had planned to stage in London on
11 November a demonstration called Hell for
Heroes on the day millions of Britons honor
the dead of two world wars and wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
11 November 2011
Church attacked in Kenya
as threats hamper relief work
Nairobi, Kenya (ENI news) - After grenade
attacks on a church in northern Kenya blamed
on Islamic extremists, religious leaders said
they were redoubling inter-faith peace efforts.
At the same time, about 100 kilometers away,
Christian relief agencies were carrying out
humanitarian work in Dadaab, the world's
biggest refugee camp, despite security threats.
Two grenades were lobbed into the East Africa
Pentecostal Church compound in the town of
Garissa on 5 November, killing two people
and injuring five others. The attack has
been blamed on al-Shabab militants who are
facing a Kenyan military operation in
southern Somalia.
Black seminaries embrace hip-hop
Washington, D.C. (ENI news) - It's hard
enough to get young people out of bed and
into the pews on a Sunday morning, but
two leading black seminaries think they
have found a way to grab the next
generation, reports Religion News Service:
hip-hop. "If we're going to take young
people seriously, we have no choice,"
said Alton B. Pollard III, dean of the
Howard University School of Divinity.
Japan's Christian leaders criticize
government involvement in trade talks
Tokyo (ENI news) - Japan's Christian
leaders have criticized the government's
decision to participate in the Trans-
Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade
negotiations currently underway among
the United States and eight other
partners. "The government's decision
is against the principle of democracy,
and lacks an explanation of the merits
and demerits," said the Rev. Isamu
Koshiishi, moderator of the National
Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ).
Provided by Sojourners.online
November 7th, 2011
"It has been said that there is
no true person unless there are
two entering into communication
with one another. The isolated
individual is not a real person.
A real person is one who lives
in and for others. And the more
personal relationships we form
with others, the more we truly
realize ourselves as persons."
- Kallistos Ware
November 8th, 2011
"The Bible speaks with remarkable
frequency of 'bearing.' It is capable
of expressing the whole work of Jesus
Christ in this one wordÂ… Therefore,
the Bible can also characterize the
whole life of the Christian as bearing
the cross. It is the fellowship of the
cross to experience the burden of the
other. If one does not experience it,
the fellowship [one] belongs to is not
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
November 9th, 2011
"Beg our Lord to grant you perfect love
for your neighbor… If someone else is
well spoken of, be more pleased than if
it were yourself… Force your will, as
far as possible, to comply in all things
with others’ wishes although sometimes
you may lose your own rights by doing so.
Forget your self-interests for theirs,
however much nature may rebel."
- Teresa of Avila
November 10th, 2011
"Peace is not an absence of war. It is
a virtue, state of mind, a disposition
for benevolence, confidence, justice."
- Baruch de Spinoza
November 11th, 2011
"But the Christianity that called to me,
through the stories I read in the Bible,
scattered the proud and rebuked the
powerful. It was a religion in which
divinity was revealed by scars on flesh. It
was an upside-down world in which treasure,
as the prophet said, was found in darkness;
in which the hungry were filled with good
things, and the rich sent out empty; in
which new life was manifested through a
humiliated, hungry woman and an empty,
tortured man."
- Sara Miles
Provided from the archives
of the New York Times:
Nov. 6, 1860 - former Illinois congressman
Abraham Lincoln defeated three other candidates
for the U.S. presidency.
On Nov. 7, 1917 - Russia's Bolshevik Revolution
took place as forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
overthrew the provisional government of Alexander
Nov. 11, 1918, fighting in World War I came to an
end with the signing of an armistice between the
Allies and Germany.
"The saints were capable of seeing through the
masks that cover the faces of humanity and they
saw that the masks are unreal. In the innumerable
faces of humanity they saw only one face: the
face of love (that is to say, the face of Christ)
- Thomas Merton
Merton sees the face of faces in all faces. The
Cosmic Christ in all beings and all peoples. But
to get to that face one must go deeper than the
outer appearances and the masks and roles people
take on. We need to travel inside others to find
the Christ there, just as we need to travel into
our deepest and truest self to find the Christ
in ourselves.
- Matthew Fox in "Christian Mystics"
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