Vol. VII. No. 22
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
My E-Mail Address:
Colleague's Opening Suggestion:
Rebekah Chevalier
Toronto, ON.
Special Item in this Issue -
Book Notice:
"Changing Human Nature:
Ecology, Ethics, Genes and God"
by James C. Peterson
To read my full background information
enter CL website.
Colleague Contributions:
Monica Kilburn-Smith (Calgary)
John Griffiths (Calgary)
Bill Phipps (Calgary)
Net Notes:
Speedy Overview -
God's Gulag
Rational Animals
Is the Pastor Here?
Skyscrapers and Market Crashes
Archbishop Addresses Lahey Case
Mandela Story to be TV Docudrama
Canadian Museum Explores Religion
Vancouver Theology School Threatened
Writer Hits Back Over Accused Priests
Copts Celebrate Christmas With Protection
Global Faith Potpourri:
Enter CL website
Fourteen ENI Geneva stories.
Wisdom of the Week:
Enter CL website
Kelly James Clark
Alice Walker
Rowan Williams
e.e. cummings
Stanley Hauwerwas
On This Day:
On Jan. 9, 1968 - Surveyor 7 makes soft
landing on moon, marking end of American
unmanned lunar surface explorations.
On Jan. 10, 1946 - first General Assembly
of the United Nations convened in London.
On Jan. 11, 1935 - Amelia Earhart begins
trip from Honolulu to Oakland, CA. - first
woman to fly solo across Pacific Ocean.
Closing Thought: Julian of Norwich
Enter CL website
Dear Friends:
I am always open to suggested
improvements in Colleagues List
and this week I received a tip
that I am attempting to implement.
Thanks, Rebekah and here is what
you wrote:
January 9th, 2012
Hi Wayne, I am one of your interested
readers. I enjoy your blog and would
like to offer one suggestion that would
make my reading of it easier. It would
be a big help if you could insert a link
for each of the items in the listing at
the beginning of your blog, that would
take you directly to the item further
down in the blog. It would mean I could
click directly to a particularly item
and be taken to it, rather than scrolling
through a very long webpage.
With regards, Rebekah
Rebekah Chevalier
Senior Editor
Communications Unit
The United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor St. W., Ste. 300
Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
I am beginning to experiment with
this suggestion as you may have noticed,
but I am open to refining it.
Please let me know what you think!
Book Notice:
My book notice for this week is a bit
of a challenge because I know that
formal ethical reflection as a theological
discipline is not easy for some of my
readers. I do think, however, that the
subject at hand is an important one and
it involves everyone at some point so I
hope you will bear with me as I try to
unwrap a rather intricate gift from
Canadian author James C. Peterson.
It is entitled:
"Changing Human Nature:
Ecology, Ethics, Genes and God"
Colleague Contributions and Comment:
Monika Kilburn-Smith, Calgary, is not
only a woman-priest, but also very
attuned to her teen daughter's interests.
Below is the latest Youtube production
from Canadian pop-idol Justin Bieber
which she sent to friends this week.
It is entitled "Pray."
John Griffiths, Calgary, is now
semi-retired, but still active in
a new organization that reflects
his interests.
"Breathing Life into Ministry" -
is introduced by his colleague
Roy Semenoff.
Bill Phipps, Calgary. His justice work
in the Philippines offers a challenge to
Canadian mining companies operating there.
It was picked up this week by Ucan News,
an Asian Catholic agency I rely on frequently.
Net Notes:
"God's Gulag" - a Siberian monastery holds
mystical and magical meaning for the author
of this article (The Atlantic Online)
"Rational Animals" - Kristel Clayville writes
about progress being made in moving from the
'human dominance' of nature paradigm that
governed our past thinking, to a more
egalitarian philosopy (Sightings)
"Is the Pastor Here?" - as more an more
ministry positions in the local church
are being filled by women, here is an
interesting take on how adjustments need
to be made (Alban Weekly)
"Skyscrapers and Market Crashes" - here is
an intriguing article on the correlation
between high building projects and economic
crashes (BBC)
"Archbishop Addresses Lahey Case" - the
Catholic Church in Canada was shaken
by the arrest of one of its bishops for
possession of child porn. Now, his, local
archbishop speaks (CBC.ca)
"Mandela Story to be TV Docudrama" -
several years ago the Mandela movie
"Invictus" movie appeared. Now, a
documentary on his life (Guardian, UK)
"Canadian Museum Explores Religion" -
the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau,
QC is featuring an exhibition on the
role of religion in Canadian life
"Vancouver Theology School Threatened"
- this ecumenical seminary (United,
Anglican, Presbyterian) is facing some
financial challenges (Vancouver Province)
"Writer Hits Back Over Accused Priests"
- Catholic priests continue to experience
a heavy public backlash because of the
behaviour of a few of them. We know that
many priests lead exemplary lives.
(Ucan News)
"Copts Celebrate Christmas With Protection"
- Christmas for Egyptian Christians was
more stable than many anticipated because
of government protection (AFP News)
Global Faith Potpourri:
Fourteen ENI Geneva stories.
Wisdom of the Week:
Kelly James Clark, Alice Walker,
Rowan Williams, e.e. cummings and
Stanley Hauwerwas offer their thoughts.
On This Day:
Surveyor 7 makes soft moon landing,
marking the end of US unmanned lunar
surface explorations (1968)
First UN General Assembly convenes
in London (1946)
Amelia Earhart begins trip from
Honolulu to Oakland, CA. - the first
solo woman to fly Pacific Ocean (1935)
Closing Thought: Julian of Norwich
Introducing the Full Program
"The Other Face of God:
When the Stranger Calls Us Home"
by Mary Jo Leddy
Ten Monday Nights -
January 16th - March 26th, 2012
(except February Family Weekend Monday)
Information about the book from Amazon.ca:
NOTE: Mary Jo Leddy is coming to St. David's
for a weekend this spring. Watch for new
information as it becomes available.
A Study Program Sponsored by:
The Department of Continuing Education
At the University of Calgary
Taught by: Wayne Holst
"God, Atheism and Morality" (ten sessions)
Tuesday Nights, 7:00PM - 9:00 PM
January 24th - March 27th, 2012
Course Information:
Welcome to our -
Noon Hour Book Discussions for Faculty,
Staff and Students Winter Series for 2012:
"An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor
Discovering God in the ordinary experiences of life
March 2nd - March 30th - five Friday noon sessions
Time and Location for all sessions:
12:00 to 1:00PM in the Native Centre Board Room
Located above the Dairy Queen, Mac Hall Student's
Led by: Wayne Holst,
Coordinator of the ACTS Ministry, St. David's United
and a Faith and Spirituality Centre Liaison.
Cost of the book: $15.00 each
Join us this year for stiumlating campus discussions!
For more information: Adriana Tulissi 403-220-5451
Co-ordinator, Faith and Spirituality Centre, U. of
C. - artuliss@ucalgary,ca
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or)admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
An accumulation of twenty-five+ studies conducted
since 2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents
more than a decade of Monday Night Studies at
St. David's, plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.
Book Notice:
Ecology, Ethics, Genes and God,
by James C. Peterson
Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2010
Paperback. 259 pages. $15.00 CAD.
ISBN #978-0-8028-6549-6.
Publisher's Promo:
As debate over the manipulation
of human genes rages in the public
sphere, James Peterson offers an
informed Christian defense of
genetic intervention. In "Changing
Human Nature" he pointedly reminds
us that the question we need most
to consider is not whether our genes
will undergo change but whether we
will be conscious of and conscientious
about the direction of that change.
Drawing from the biblical tradition,
Peterson argues that human beings have
a unique capacity and calling to tend
and develop the natural world --
including themselves, their bodies, and
their genes -- as God's garden. While
carefully addressing legitimate religious
concerns, Peterson's theologically
grounded yet jargon-free discussion puts
forth clear and specific guidelines for
the proper use of genetic intervention
to help people.
Distinctive for its nuanced approach,
"Changing Human Nature" will fill the
need for a thoughtful, positive Christian
perspective on this timely topic.
Author's Words:
Nature, the material world around us,
is constantly changing... Some of this
change is cyclical... There is also
linear change... Much of what was, will
not be again, and what is yet to come
has not always been before...
What the Christian Scriptures state
clearly is that the one true God created
all that is. There are detailed discussions
among those who are convinced that the
Christian Scriptures are reliable, as to
what they do and do not teach about 'how'
God created. Finding a description of the
(actual) creation method (by reading the
first chapters of) Genesis (however) is
reading into the text ideas that were
not intended.
(The author goes on to suggest that
God's purposes in creation seem to serve
a broader objective than to support human
beings and that, over time, God chooses
to develop great movements from the
most intimate beginnings - God, it would
seem from what science teaches, is an
evolutionary creator.)
We should find comfort in the patience
God shows for creation so gradually
unfolding. Life developing over time
from common ancestors gives us a point
of identification and belonging with all
of life God has made.
(Some theologians have focused on the
implications of evolution if it is indeed
God's chosen method of creation. But it is
not the intention of this book to settle
the argument of the 'how' of creation.)
(What is clear is that) Cyclical and linear
change is measurable and characteristic of
our planet. Our physical world moves.
Not only does nature change, but one part
shapes another... Glaciers carve valleys.
New species replace old ones. Nature is
interactive and dynamic. As part of this
world, people too change and shape one
another and the world... God's creation
is to be fulfilled in and through time.
It is not finished yet...
We can still make choices that shape
ourselves and the material world for
good or ill... Our human, physical form
is shaped by our decisions, as is the rest
of nature. Medical interventions have
saved many lives...
We not only shape nature unintentionally.
We cannot survive unless we shape nature
deliberately... The question is not
whether we will shape our surroundings;
it is whether we will do so consciously
and conscientiously... Simply saying no
to change is both impossible and
The question before us is not whether
we will we will shape nature and ourselves
but whether we will be aware that we are
doing so, and choose well how we will do
so and to what purpose...
I will seek to respond to that request
with my best reading of the Christian
tradition on our place in a universe of
constant change (maintaining a transcendent
perspective on reality as I know it.)
(The author shares the outline of his
book by describing human responsibility
and the gift of technology in helping
us to shape what is entrusted to us.
He suggests cautions that need to be
observed as ethical decisions are made
and helpfully names four standards he
believes can help us shape human nature.
He also discusses who should apply these
standards by reviewing mistakes of the
past - the devastating history of coercing
people to adhere to certain elitist biases
including racism and eugenics; and he
proposes a system of checks and balances
for ethical human decision-making.
- from the Introduction
Concluding "Expectations"
- by the author
Human genetic intervention is one part
of how we can fulfill our capacity,
calling and relationship to bear God's
image in God's garden... God does invite
us to be part of God's kingdom. It is
a privilege to contribute by God's grace
and direction... We are workers, not
master-builders; ministers, not messiahs...
If, from the full perspective of Christian
tradition, an instant of genetic intervention
is safe, a genuine improvement, increases
the choices of recipients, and is the best
use of our finite resources (the four
'standards' for shaping human nature
noted above) that genetic intervention
may be an expression of love for God,
for one another, and the rest of creation
entrusted to us.
For such opportunities to serve we should
be responsible and thankful.
My Thoughts:
Many of the students in my current
ethics classes at the university
(eg "God, Atheism and Morality")seem
to be genuinely surprised when I
suggest to them that Christians are
involved in shaping contemporary
ethics like genetic restructuring,
gene therapy and cloning. It is
a common understanding that, at
best, religious thinkers are not
part of front-line thinking with
the best minds science can offer.
People who still accept transcendent
realities (like me) are "supposed"
to be at the defense of traditional
thinking and are therefore part of an
era past - not engaged in what is
important to many today.
I am happy to introduce a book that
in some ways goes further than the
stance taken by visionaries like
Richard Holloway whose views on ethics
are quite intriguing to many of my
"Changing Human Nature" by James C.
Peterson of McMaster Divinity College,
Hamilton, Ontario delves into the
Christian tradition and combines that
with cutting edge scientific thinking.
He offers steps that persons engaged
in ethical dialogue between scientists
and religious thinkers might take in
their reflections and decision-making.
Religious thinkers need to honour the
best that science is teaching us.
Scientific thinkers need to respect
the dimension that religion has to
offer the discussion.
Together, we will both be the better
for a collaboration of integrity.
Here are two contributions provided
for us by "Changing Human Nature."
Peterson digs deeply into biblical/
theological tradition to offer
substantial insight that can inform
both scientific and religious thinking.
Too many liberals tend to ignore the
rich resources of their faith tradition.
I think this is a mistake. Tradition can
enrich. It need not necessarily retard
the discussion.
There are many enlightened voices of
Christian heritage, for example. Not
all say the same thing. Not all take
a defensive posture.
I am grateful to the author for helping
me to add "meat" to the "bones" of my
commitment to transcendent human values
in my discussion with students who have
great doubts about "religious" values
and who see these only as destructive
at worst, or irrelevant at best.
Secondly, Peterson knows his science
and is not afraid to let good science
guide his growth toward truth. Too
many conservative writers see it as
their purpose to "protect" God and
God's people from new developments in
medical research. It is very important
for religious people to know what
science is telling us so they can
integrate this to their philosophy
of life.
I'm thinking here about ongoing human
genome and stem cell research, for
As Richard Holloway says - "We are
very close to shaping, rather than
being shaped, genetically." How
do we want that to happen?
When our understanding of God shifts
from "unchanging" to "evolutionary"
we discover that what really changes
is human understanding and that a God
who evolves as we humans evolve can
provide great comfort and stability
as we tackle issues our fore-bearers
never imagined.
With those thoughts in mind, I feel
better equipped to deal with both
cultured critics of faith, and those
Christians who I believe are living
with their heads in the sand.
Thanks to James C. Peterson for
helping me move forward in my
thinking. I believe he can help
you too.
Review from Booklist:
"Many books of late argue either the
incoherence of religious belief in a
scientific age or that faith is a
rational way to seek meaning in the
world. Peterson's work is a refreshing
alternative. Committed to both
Christianity and Western science,
he argues that scientific research
with its potential to shape the world
is 'part of the God-given mandate for
human beings to share in the redemption
and development of creation.' Shaping
the world can include changing our
genetic makeup. So Peterson carefully
examines the ethical concerns about
genetic intervention raised by
philosophers, theologians, and
bioethicists (e.g., does the change
affect one person, or is it passed
on to descendants?) and then proposes
four standards that must be met before
an intervention can proceed. This is a
thoughtful work that demonstrates that
religious faith in general and the
historic Christian tradition in
particular can not only coexist
synergistically with science but also
make a positive contribution to addressing
the ethical questions scientific research
Buy the book from Amazon.ca:
Calgary, AB
Justin Bieber's "Pray"
Youtube link:
Calgary, AB.
"Breathing Life Into Ministry"
An ecumenical organization
focused on ministry support.
Check out program offerings on
the website, and listen to the
presentation by Roy Semenoff
Calgary, AB.
"Canadians Lobby for Clean
Mining in Philippines"
UCC Group Leads Project
Ucan News
January 12th, 2012
Holy and Haunted
The Atlantic Online
January 10th, 2012
January 12th, 2012
by Kristel Clayville
Women in Ministry
Alban Weekly
January 8th, 2011
A Correlation is Seen
BBC News
January 10th, 2012
Sadness and Anger
January 8th, 2012
Major British-American Production
The Guardian, UK
January 8th, 2011
Focus on Faith and Canadian Life
January 11th, 2012
Vancouver Province
January 7th, 2012
Ucan News
January 9th, 2012
AFP News
January 7th, 2012
"Christmas Peaceful for
Coptic Christians"
National Post
January 7th, 2012
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
6 January 2012
Church of Norway to improve
inclusion of native Sami people
Oslo, Norway (ENI news) - The (Lutheran)
Church of Norway in the next five years
will be implementing a plan to enhance
the role of the indigenous Sami people
in church life. "We want Sami church life
to be an equal and natural part of the
church, and the Church of Norway to be
a multicultural fellowship," said Jens-
Petter Johnsen, director general of the
Church of Norway National Council. He
spoke with the Church of Norway
Information Service. The Sami are
an indigenous people in the northern
parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland,
and on the Kola Peninsula in Russia.
Report names 50 worst countries
for Christian persecution
(ENI news) - The international Christian
organization Open Doors released its annual
World Watch List this week, naming the 50
countries where it says Christians face the
worst persecution. For the first time in
the 20 years that the list has been compiled,
the situation for Christians did not improve
in any country, Open Doors said. For the
tenth year running, North Korea topped the
list. Open Doors reported that Christianity
has been driven so far underground in North
Korea that parents wait until their children
are old enough to understand the dangers of
practicing their faith before teaching them
about it. The organization also estimated
that between 50,000 and 70,000 ChristianS
are currently interned in labor camps.
Egyptian Christian leaders consider
dialogue with Islamic groups
(ENI news) - Christian leaders in Egypt are
meeting to discuss opening a dialogue with
Islamic groups as a way of addressing
sectarian violence. Ahead of the Eastern
Christmas celebrated on 7 January, His
Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Egypt's Coptic
Orthodox Church leader, met on 5 January
with Anglican Church leaders, according to
news reports, to discuss how they could
begin "constructive dialogue" with the
Islamists who have won a majority in
Parliament. The meeting came as the Muslim
Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and
the Nour Party secured a clear win in the
elections that began on 28 November.
9 January 2012
Pope Benedict's latest group of cardinals:
more Roman, less 'catholic'
(ENI news) - Pope Benedict XVI's announcement
on 6 January of 22 new cardinals shows that
he is continuing a pattern of stacking the
College of Cardinals with Europeans (mainly
Italians) and with leaders of the Roman
curia, the papal bureaucracy whose officials
are often considered more conservative than
prelates in dioceses around the world. This
trend goes against the push by Benedict's
predecessors, notably the late John Paul II,
to "internationalize" the College of Cardinals
and make it more representative of the global
church, Religion News Service reports.
Christian roots of African movement
recalled during anniversary
(ENI news) - The Christian roots of the
African National Congress (ANC) were cited
during weekend celebrations in South Africa
marking the centennial of Africa's best
known liberation and political movement.
More than a dozen African heads of state
and representatives from around the world
attended to honor the movement that
eventually overcame the apartheid system
of racial segregation. On 8 January,
hundreds packed into Waaihoek Wesleyan
Church in Bloemfontein, where the ANC
began. The movement was founded by Christian
pastors, mission-educated journalists,
lawyers and social workers on 8 January
In Israel, Christian population
has lowest growth rate, report says
Jerusalem (ENI news) Christians have
the lowest growth rate among the
Israeli population, according to an
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
report released on 6 January. According
to the report, the Christian growth rate
of 0.9percent compares to the Jewish
rate of 1.7 percent and the 2.7 percent
growth rate among Muslims. Christian
Arabs have a growth rate of one percent
while the rate among non-Arab Christians
is 0.7 percent. About 154,000 Christians
live in Israel, constituting 2 percent
of the population, according to the
10 January 2012
Scholars to honor Alvarez
for lifetime of achievement
(ENI news) - A Puerto Rican
missionary and scholar will receive
a lifetime achievement award this
spring by the Society for Pentecostal
Studies. The Rev. Carmelo Alvarez,
a program consultant and visiting
professor for the Latin American
Evangelical Pentecostal Commission
and the Evangelical Pentecostal
Union of Venezuela, will be honored
in recognition of his academic work,
research and publications on
Pentecostalism, according to
the Latin America and Caribbean
Communication Agency (ALC).
Latino evangelical coalition
highlights issues in U.S. election
Orlando, Florida (ENI news) - A
group of Latino evangelical churches
in the United States have begun a
voter registration drive intended
to send a message to candidates
that they ignoreLatino interests
at their peril. The National Latino
Evangelical Coalition kicked off
its six-state "Nuestro Futuro"
campaign on 10 January in Orlando,
Florida, with a news conference,
and an evening rally and
registration effort at Iglesia
El Calvario, a local church.
German Muslims show solidarity
with threatened Catholic churches
Duisberg, Germany (ENI news) - Three
Catholic churches in the west German
region of North-Rhine Westphalia that
may have to close this month have
received a show of solidarity from
the local Muslim community. Muhammed
Al, chairman of the Merkez Mosque
Association, wrote to Bishop Franz-
Josef Overbeck, head of the Essen
diocese, on behalf of local Muslims
last fall about the three Catholic
churches in the town of Duisberg.
11 January 2012
Ugandan Anglican leader has
drawn both praise and criticism
(ENI news) -He is described as
charismatic, intelligent and humble
in Uganda and the Global South, but
Anglican Archbishop Henry Orombi,
who will be leaving office this
year, has also been criticized in
the Anglican Communion for his
hardline stance concerning
homosexuality. Orombi on 7 January
told the Church of Uganda's house
of bishops to prepare to elect his
successor in June. His ten-year term
was set to expire in January 2014
before he turned 65. His decision
to seek early retirement comes after
serving for seven years. The Christians
he serves say Orombi has transformed
his church, but his hard-line stand
concerning issues within the Anglican
Communion also earned him criticism.
Imams in Britain must reach
out to youth, says cleric
(ENI news) - Imams at British mosques
have let down a generation of young
Muslims by failing to reach young people
who sometimes end up in prison, Ibrahim
Mogra, chair of the mosque and community
affairs committee of the Muslim Council of
Britain, said. Following the publication
of a report showing that the number of
Muslims in British prisons has rocketed
over the last 20 years, Mogra told ENI
news in an interview on 11 January that
most Muslim clergy and mosques have
finally realized that in houses of
worship they are preaching only to
the converted.
12 January 2012
Film about Japanese teachers highlights
their opposition to "emperor system"
Tokyo (ENI news) - A new Japanese film
highlights the struggles of a Christian
music teacher and two former teachers to
defend their beliefs, including their
disagreement with the compulsory singing
of the national anthem in schools.
Scheduled to be shown in Tokyo on 14
January and Osaka on 28 January, and
available on a Japanese-language DVD,
the film, "True to Myself," was shown
with English subtitles at the Yamagata
International Documentary Film Festival
in Japan last October.
Christian leader urges end to escalating
religious violence in Nigeria
(ENI news) - As sectarian violence increases
in northern Nigeria, Rev. Martin Junge,
leader of the Lutheran World Federation,
called on 12 January for an end to the use
of religious texts to validate murders and
acts of aggression. Junge's statement
followed a video message from Abubakar
Shekau, the alleged head of an Islamic
militant group known as Boko Haram,
stating the attacks were revenge for
murders of Muslims in the region by
In Israel, a clash over
religious gender segregation
Jerusalem (ENI news) - Should Israel
allow segregation by gender in the
public sphere simply because one
religious group -- ultra-Orthodox Jews
- demand it? This issue has become a
focal point as Israel struggles with
its identity as a Jewish democratic
state. "This is taking us straight to
the most important dialogue [for the
country]: what kind of values do we
want for our Jewish state?" said Anat
Hoffman, executive director of the
Israel Religious Action Center, in
an interview with ENI news.
January 6th, 2012
"My life is not simply a meaningless
conglomeration of serendipitous events
and unremarkable happenstance. Rather,
it is a series of divine appointments
with the goal of shaping my character."
- Kelly James Clark
January 9th, 2012
"Anybody can observe the Sabbath but
making it holy surely takes the rest
of the week."
- Alice Walker, from
"In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens"
January 10th, 2012
“Our present ecological crisis, the
biggest single practical threat to our
human existence in the middle to long
term, has, religious people would say,
a great deal to do with our failure to
think of the world as existing in
relation to the mystery of God, not
just as a huge warehouse of stuff to
be used for our convenience.”
- Rowan Williams
January 11th, 2012
"Anyhow - from my standpoint the only thing
- if you're some sort of artist - is to work
a little harder than you can at being who
you are; while if you're an un-artist (i.e.
aren't) nothing but big and quick recognition
matters." (sic)
- e.e. cummings, "a letter to his daughter"
January 12th, 2012
“Saints cannot exist without a community,
as they require, like all of us, nurturance
by a people who, while often unfaithful,
preserve the habits necessary to learn the
story of God.”
- Stanley Hauerwas, from
“The Gesture of a Truthful Story”
On Jan. 9, 1968 - the Surveyor 7 space
probe made a soft landing on the moon,
marking the end of the American series
of unmanned explorations of the lunar
On Jan. 10, 1946 - the first General
Assembly of the United Nations convened
in London.
On Jan. 11, 1935 - aviator Amelia Earhart
began a trip from Honolulu to Oakland, CA.
becoming the first woman to fly solo across
the Pacific Ocean.
"True thanking is to enjoy God."
- Julian of Norwich
Thanking and enjoyment go together.
Think of it. If you give someone a
gift and they do not use it, then you
will feel disappointment, despite any
genuinely nice thank-you note they may
write. If you give them a gift that
they enjoy using, that joy is the most
satisfying thank-you they could offer.
Their joy makes us happy. So too, in
Julian's view, we thank God more by
our enjoyment of God's gifts than
through mere words.
And this delights God.
- Matthew Fox in "Christian Mystics"
Friday, January 13, 2012
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