Vol. VII. No. 29
Wayne A. Holst, Editor
Colleagues List Blog:
Canadian Anglican Google Groups:
My E-Mail Address:
New "Quicklinks" are now included
with many items. Otherwise, scroll
down to find your selection in the
body of the blog, as in the past.
Special Item in this Issue -
St. David's Day, March 1st:
My Reflections on the Dedication
of His Welsh Cathedral Shrine
Colleague Contributions:
Martin Marty
Gretta Vosper
Jim Taylor
Net Notes:
Should We Fear China?
Now Santorum Takes on JFK
Richard O'Brien's Online Archive
Elaine Pagels Revisits Revelation
Survey: Rich Less Likely to be Honest
UK Catholic Archbishop Supports Gay Masses
Condemned Iranian Christian is Still Alive
Rowan Williams Links Human Rights to Faith
Ossuaries - Are They Direct Links to Jesus?
Ron Sider - Social and Spiritual Transformer
American Islamic Worship Centers on Increase
Global Faith Potpourri:
Twenty-one ENI Geneva stories.
Wisdom of the Week:
Desert Fathers and Mothers
Charlotte Brontë
Henry Bugbee
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
On This Day:
George H.W. Bush declares "Kuwait is liberated,
Iraq's army is defeated," and announced that the
allies would suspend combat at midnight (1991)
Gun battle erupts near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents try to serve
warrants on the Branch Davidians; four agents and
six Davidians were killed in 51-day standoff (1993)
Closing Thought - Dorothee Soelle
Dear Friends:
This week, an important restoration
took place in St. Dsvid's Cathedral, Wales.
The historic shrine, - which existed for
almost half a millennium in a state of
disrepair - was restored and officially
St. David's Day, March 1st served as the
launching time for a week of celebration.
As more pictures of the festivities are
posted to the site, those with a special
interest in such matters are encouraged
to return to see what was accomplished.
A group of pilgrims from St. David's
Calgary visited the cathedral last May.
They have a special interest in these
matters because they themselves
contributed to the renovation.
Colleague Contributions:
Martin Marty (Chicago) - joins the
discussion on what constitutes a
modern Jew.
Gretta Vosper (Toronto) - announces
the publication of her new book on
prayer for progressive Christians.
It is entitled "Amen" and I will
provide my thoughts about it to
readers of this list shortly.
Jim Taylor (Okanagan) - writes of
how the law of diminishing returns
applies to the important work of
eradicating diseases.
Net Notes:
"Should We Fear China?" - here is an
intelligent assessment of the shifting
trade and investment balances currently
affecting China and the West
(Miranda Global)
"Now Santorum Takes on JFK" - the
Catholic GOP candidate in the primaries
is causing no small amount of grief for
thoughtful Catholics (Boston Globe)
"Richard O'Brien's Online Archive" -
a columnist since Vatican II in the 1960's
O'Brien seems to coming close to the end
of his career. Here are his archives
(National Catholic Reporter)
"Elaine Pagels Revisits Revelation" -
the scholar who opened up Gnosticism to many
of us turns her scholarship to the Apocalypse
of St. John (Publisher's Weekly)
"Survey: Rich Less Likely to be Honest" -
an interesting study from down under on
the matter of honesty (ABC News)
"UK Catholic Archbishop Supports Gay Masses"
- the ranking head of the Roman Church in
the UK has a commitment to gay Catholics
(Catholic Herald, UK)
"Condemned Iranian Christian is Still Alive"
- world attention was trained this week on
the fate of an Iranian pastor and his death
sentence (Anglican Journal)
"Rowan Williams Links Human Rights to Faith"
- during a visit this week to the Ecumenical
Centre in Geneva, the Archbishop of Canterbury
spoke of human rights and Christian faith
(Anglican Journal)
"Ossuaries - Are They Direct Links to Jesus?"
- bone boxes were the centre of much debate
almost a decade ago. Now they emerge anew
(Globe and Mail, Publisher's Weekly)
"Ron Sider - Social and Spiritual Transformer"
- a former classmate who has done much to
transform American evangelicalism regarding
social justice - is interviewed
(Publisher's Weekly)
"American Islamic Worship Centers on Increase"
- growing numbers of Muslim worshipers in
the US build growing numbers of mosques
(Anglican Journal)
Global Faith Potpourri:
This week, we are treated to a total of
twenty-one religious stories from around
the world, provided by Ecumenical News
Service in Geneva.
Wisdom of the Week:
Desert Fathers and Mothers, Charlotte Brontë,
Henry Bugbee and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel share
their insights with us.
On This Day:
The New York Times provides these stories
as they happened:
George H.W. Bush declares "Kuwait is liberated,
Iraq's army is defeated," and announced that the
allies would suspend combat at midnight (1991)
Gun battle erupts near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents try to serve
warrants on the Branch Davidians; four agents and
six Davidians were killed in 51-day standoff (1993)
Closing Thought
Dorothee Soelle, a German feminist theologian,
concludes Colleagues List for another week.
St. David's and ACTS Ministry Announce:
April 22nd - May 8th, 2013
Tour sale begins with deposit starting June, 2012
Full payment due, January, 2013
More details such as costs to be made available
in the Sunday worship guide and the St. David's
Spiritual Travelers Discussion List Group as they
become available.
To join the list discussion contact:
Deb. Charnusaki - debcharnuski@hotmail.com
Your tour hosts:
Marlene and Wayne Holst
waholst@telusplanet.net (or) marleneaholst@gmail.com
Introducing the Full Program
"The Other Face of God:
When the Stranger Calls Us Home"
by Mary Jo Leddy
Ten Monday Nights -
January 16th - March 26th, 2012
(except February Family Weekend Monday)
See the study schedule:
Information about the book from Amazon.ca:
Visit Romero House, Toronto on the web:
NOTE: Mary Jo Leddy is coming to St. David's
the weekend of April 20th-22nd. Watch for new
information as it becomes available.
Welcome to our -
Noon Hour Book Discussions for Faculty,
Staff and Students Winter Series for 2012:
"An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor
Discovering God in the ordinary experiences of life
March 2nd - March 30th - five Friday noon sessions
Time and Location for all sessions:
12:00 to 1:00PM in the Native Centre Board Room
Located above the Dairy Queen, Mac Hall Student's
Led by: Wayne Holst,
Coordinator of the ACTS Ministry, St. David's United
and a Faith and Spirituality Centre Liaison.
Cost of the book: $15.00 each
Join us this year for stiumlating campus discussions!
For more information: Adriana Tulissi 403-220-5451
Co-ordinator, Faith and Spirituality Centre, U. of
C. - artuliss@ucalgary.ca
This week we announce our planned tour for 2013
following our highly successful pilgrimage to
the Celtic lands of Scotland, Ireland, Wales
and England in 2011.
On St. David's Day, March 1st, we celebrate with
the people of St. David's Cathedral, Wales who
dedicate a restored shrine to St. David. This
shrine was destroyed during the Reformation and
is now returned to a special place in cathedral
life. St. David's Celtic Tour folk contributed
to this restoration project.
More announcements to come on these matters.
Contact us at: asdm@sduc.ca (or)admin@sduc.ca
St. David's Web Address - http://sduc.ca/
Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -
An accumulation of thirty-five books studied
since 2000 can quickly be found at:
This collection of study resources represents
more than a decade of Monday Night Studies at
St. David's, plus extra courses too!
You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.
My Reflection on the Dedication
of His Welsh Cathedral Shrine
Last May, when 35 pilgrims from St. David's
Calgary visited the cathedral dedicated to
St. David of Wales, we learned that a special
project to restore an ancient shrine to the
saint was in process of completion. We were
invited to contribute to this project, and
were able to provide a little more than $500.
(315 Sterling) toward a goal of 150,000 sterling.
From Wikipedia, I found the following about
St. David and the cathedral shrine that bears
his name:
(quoting from this article)
David was buried at St David's Cathedral at
St David's, Pembrokeshire, where his shrine
was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout
the Middle Ages. During the 10th and 11th
centuries the Cathedral was regularly raided
by Vikings who removed the shrine from the
church and stripped off the precious metal
In 1275 a new shrine was constructed, the
ruined base of which remains to this day
which was originally surmounted by an
ornamental wooden canopy with murals of
St David, St Patrick and St Denis of France.
The relics of St David and St Justinian were
kept in a portable casket on the stone base
of the shrine. It was at this shrine that
Edward I came to pray in 1284. During the
reformation Bishop Barlow (1536–48), a
staunch Protestant, stripped the shrine
of its jewels and confiscated the relics
of David and Justinian.
This week, on St. David's Day, March 1st
the newly renovated shrine was dedicated
as part of a series of services during
this festive season for the Welsh saint.
Click the following link to read of the
special event in cathedral history by
reading the information on the far right
column, and follow the links:
If you want more information about the
cathedral click here:
St. David's, Wales has been a pilgrimage
destination for more than a millennium and
we were honored to be included among the
many who have journeyed there.
For almost 500 years, however, the shrine
has fallen into disrepair, the victim of
a long history of defacement. The last of
these came during the period of the English
Reformation when "Bishop Barlow (1536–48),
a staunch Protestant, stripped the shrine
of its jewels and confiscated the relics
of David and Justinian."
It is rumored that some of these precious
stones have ended up among the crown jewels
on display in the Tower of London.
How sad that alongside the Vikings and other
destroyers of great beauty, Protestant
reformers were among those who raped this
(formerly) Catholic cathedral.
Now, however, a new day has dawned, and
St. David's is once more a pilgrimage centre
as of old.
We are proud to have been part of this
historic restoration - not only as pilgrims,
but as concrete contributors to the new life
that this cathedral shrine can now assume.
As pictures of this week's festivities are
posted to the cathedral website, return again
to that sacred place, hallowed by the
visitations of innumerable pilgrims from
across the centuries.
Perhaps you too will want to visit this
place to see the many beautiful treasures
of Spirit, stone and sacred inspiration
that are there for all to enjoy!
Chicago, IL
"Who Are the Jews?"
February 27th, 2012
Toronto, ON
Announces the appearance
of her new book "Amen"
Okanagan, BC
Personal Blog
"Finishing the Job"
Chinese "threat" or Western "demise?"
February 28th, 2012
US Catholics Bite Lips
Over Outspoken Candidate
Boston Globe
February 29th, 2012
45 Years of Columns Since Vatican II
His most recent columns can be found at:
An archive of all his columns are here:
Gnostic Scholar on the Apocalypse
Publishers Weekly
January 6th, 2012
Australian Survey Tests Premise
ABC News
February 28th, 2012
Catholic Herald, London
February 28th, 2012
World Attention Focused on Story
Anglican Journal
February 28th, 2012
Canterbury Speaks in Geneva
Anglican Journal
February 29th, 2012
Same Old, Same Old, or Solid Evidence?
Globe and Mail
February 29th, 2012
The Book Behind the Claim
"The Jesus Disccvery"
Publisher's Weekly
February 29th, 2012
From the Archives:
A Short summary of my review of "The Brother of Jesus"
(Globe and Mail, April 26th, 2003)
Even respected authorities can be caught up and
confused by the hype. What we are observing is a
clash of focus and working styles.
Journalists live in the news-moment and seek to
promote public interest in "momentous discoveries."
Scholars take years to formulate their conclusions.
They are not used to dealing with the public, but
rather work painstakingly within small guilds of
shared interest.
When these approaches collide, chaos reigns.
The appearance and interpretations surrounding
the ossuaries (bone boxes) - real or fabricated -
promote popular intrigue and should lead to serious
discussion, for example of how Jewish-Christian
identities were formed two thousand years ago.
Tactile connections to our religious ancestors focus
attention on a strategic time in the shaping of both
Judaism and Christianity as we now know it.
Faith is not something based on scientific proofs,
but it can be nurtured and enhanced by them.
So, may the contoversies continue!
(My full review is archived by the Globe and Mail
and can be purchased on their sight)
- Wayne
Publisher's Weekly
February 29th, 2012
Anglican Journal
March 1st, 2012
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
24 February 2012
In Cameroon, faith leaders fear expansion
of extremism from Nigeria
Yaounde, Cameroon (ENI news) - The campaign
of violence in Nigeria carried out by the
extremist Islamist sect Boko Haram has
raised fears of religious extremism gaining
a foothold in Cameroon, its neighbor to the
east. Secular and religious authorities have
warned against following a group that has
been responsible for an estimated 450
killings in 2011 and has stated it wants
to replace Nigeria's secular government
with Sharia, or Muslim, law to address
poverty and injustice. In the latest
incident, four policemen were shot to
death on 23 February in the northern
Nigerian towns of Kano and Minna, where
the people are now "gripped by fear,"
according to the Times of Nigeria.
Church-related group outlines key issues
facing digital media platforms
(ENI news) - The World Association for
Christian Communication (WACC), a
church-related organization working for
communication rights, has published a
document that outlines ethical guidelines
for digital media platforms, according to
a news release. "The Internet is a vital
part of today's communications scene. But
it is under threat from governments intent
on stifling freedom of expression and from
global corporations intent on levying high
charges for access," notes the release.
More Israeli Jews express belief in God
Jerusalem (ENI news) - Almost 80 percent
of Israeli Jews say they believe in God
according to a recent survey, up from 76
percent in 1999. The survey results
reflect a marked move away from the
socialist-secular ideals of the Eastern
European Jews who were the driving force
behind the founding of modern Israel.
The survey result "gives an answer to
all those who said secular Zionism
[support for a Jewish state] had made
a secular religion. It shows that there
is a tendency towards religiosity," said
research analyst Ayala Keisser-Sugarmen.
Public health is theme of
2012 Fraternity Campaign in Brazil
Brasilia, Brazil (ENI news) - The Catholic
National Conference of Bishops of Brazil
(CNBB) has launched a move to bring attention
to the state of public health care in the
nation. The objective of the 2012 Fraternity
Campaign, which carries the slogan, "That
health be spread on earth," was launched
on 22 February, Ash Wednesday, according
to a news release from the Latin America
and Caribbean Communication Agency.
27 February 2012
Brazilian bishop and wife murdered
(ENI news) - Conservative Brazilian
bishop Robinson Cavalcanti, who broke
away from the established Anglican
church, and his wife Miriam were killed
on 26 February at their home in Olinda
in northeastern Brazil, according to
his diocese. The diocese, known as the
Anglican Church - Diocese of Recife,
said they died at about 10 p.m., local
time. Reports on conservative Anglican
media said Cavalcanti was returning
from a parish visit and that the couple's
adopted son, Eduardo, is a suspect in
the stabbing deaths.
Rights advocates hail decision
on former Salvadoran official
(ENI news) - Human rights advocates are
hailing the decision by a U.S. immigration
judge that clears the way for the
deportation of a former defense minister
of El Salvador for his participation in
acts of torture and of murder, including
the 1980 killings of four American
churchwomen. The 23 February decision
by federal immigration Judge James K.
Grim, based in Orlando, Florida,
sustained all charges the U.S.
government had been seeking against
the former official, General Eugenio
Vides Casanova.
Campaign for Liberian Christian
state displeases faith leaders
(ENI news) - At the precincts of Old
Providence Baptist Church in Monrovia,
Liberia's capital city, hundreds of
civilians have been signing a petition
that is seeking to make the West African
country a Christian nation. But the
campaign is being questioned by prominent
Christian leaders who are cautioning that
the change will split the country on
religious lines and lead to instability.
The leaders in Africa's oldest republic
spoke after the petition was introduced
on 18 February by The Liberia Restoration
to Christian Heritage, a campaign group.
Head of Islamic organization
deplores killings in Afghanistan
Geneva (ENI news) - The head of the 57-nation
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on
27 February condemned as "deplorable" a recent
spate of violence and killings in Afghanistan,
sparked in reaction to the burning of copies
of the Quran by members of the U.S. military.
"Of course killing is not acceptable, we
condemn (it), it's deplorable, it's forbidden,
and it's against all values. So nobody can
defend that or can condone that. The most
precious value is the value of human life,"
Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, 69, OIC secretary
general, said at a news conference.
28 February 2012
Filipino church leaders raise concerns
on "People Power" anniversary
(ENI news) - As Philippine president Benigno
Aquino on 25 February led celebrations of
the 26th anniversary of the "People Power
Revolution" against former dictator Ferdinand
Marcos, church leaders raised concerns over
what they see as threats to religious freedom
and human rights. "Church lay leaders, pastors,
priests and nuns have been harassed or killed
for doing their ministries especially [when]
standing with the poor, oppressed, and
marginalized," Fr. David Tabo-oy, evangelism
and Christian education program national
coordinator of the Episcopal Church in the
Philippines (ECP), told ENInews.
Honduran church demands inquiry
into horrific prison fire
(ENI news) - The Christian Lutheran Church
of Honduras (ICHL) is demanding an inquiry
into a fire at the central jail in Comayagua
that killed 350 prisoners on 14 February.
The ICHL, a member of the Geneva-based
Lutheran World Federation (LWF), also said
it was praying for wisdom on the part of
the country's leaders as they decide how
to safeguard the rights of prisoners,
according to a news release from the
LWF's information service, Lutheran
World Information.
After months of wrangling, occupiers
evicted from St. Paul's Cathedral
London (ENI news) - Police in London on
28 February evicted scores of demonstrators
from a makeshift tent city they had erected
outside historic St. Paul's Cathedral more
than four months ago as part of a global
protest against capitalism. After brief
skirmishes in the operation that authorities
launched before dawn, 20 protesters were
arrested but most reacted largely peacefully
as they were moved out, Religion News
Service reports.
Archbishop of Canterbury
links human rights to faith
Geneva (ENI news) - The Archbishop
of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, spoke
on 28 February of the link that human
rights must have with faith and of
the responsibilities inherent in
Christian unity in a day-long visit
to the Ecumenical Center in Geneva.
The responsibility of Christians who
receive the gift of unity lies in
"seeking a life in which no one is
without the other," Williams told
staff, visitors and governing members
of the World Council of Churches (WCC)
and other organizations based at the
29 February 2012
New book explores a Jewish
view of the New Testament
New York (ENI news) - A new edition of
the New Testament has done what none
other has done before - explain the core
body of Christian writings through the
lens of Judaism. "The Jewish Annotated
New Testament," published by Oxford
University Press, takes at its starting
point the fact that the central figures
in the New Testament -- Jesus, Mary,
the apostle Paul, as well as the gospel
writers - were Jewish and lived in a
Jewish cultural milieu.
New Zealand Christian leaders
decry income inequality
Wellington, New Zealand (ENI news)-
Christian leaders in New Zealand are
decrying the widening gap between the
lowest and highest income earners, in
a country that has one of the highest
rates of income inequality among
developed countries. The Salvation
Army said it fears a permanent fracture
in New Zealand society if policy makers
continue along the path of concentrating
the nation's wealth and influence in the
hands of a privileged few.
In Japan, Shinto followers prepare
to mark disaster anniversary
Washington, D.C. (ENI news) -Shinto
priests throughout Japan are preparing
to hold commemoration ceremonies on 11
March to mark the one-year anniversary
of the earthquake and tsunami that
devastated the northeastern coast,
attendees were told at a program at
Georgetown University. An estimated
20,000 people were killed in the disaster.
The Association of Shinto Shrines has
issued a suggested prayer to be read
during the ceremonies. That prayer,
according to the Rev. Masafumi Nakanishi,
a Shinto priest, describes the calamity,
pleads that there be no more disasters
and asks that people live peacefully.
Forum on HIV/AIDS and hunger
cites importance of faith groups
Geneva (ENI news) -Senior U.N. officials,
business leaders, and development experts
on 29 February praised faith groups'
support of global efforts to fight HIV/AIDS
and hunger but also stressed their continued
support was vital in confronting daunting
challenges ahead. During the forum, which
was held at the Geneva headquarters of the
World Health Organization and included the
participation of Archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams, participants also praised
the strong human rights-based approach
taken by faith groups.
1 March 2012
U.S. priest fired over Mass prayers
fights to keep his job
Belleville, Illinois (ENI news - The Rev.
William Rowe of St. Mary's Catholic Church
in Mount Carmel, Illinois may not always go
by the book during Mass, but he is digging
deep into the letter of church law in an
effort to regain his post as parish priest.
For decades, Rowe deviated from the language
of the Roman Catholic Mass, tweaking sections
of the scripted prayers when the words as
written didn't connect precisely with what
he planned to preach to his flock, reports
Religion News Service via the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch. The case has drawn widespread
attention since a new translation of the Mass
liturgy was released last fall by the Vatican.
Churches need to accommodate disabled
persons, African scholars say
Nairobi, Kenya (ENI news) - Scholars
from theological institutions in East
Africa are challenging Bible publishers,
distributors and translators to produce
more texts in Braille, sign language
and audio, in measures being proposed
to improve training and integration of
disabled persons. The 30 academicians
from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania gathered
from 29 February to 1 March in Nairobi to
draw guidelines for teaching disabilities
studies in theology schools.
2 March 2012
Quake-damaged cathedral in Christchurch,
New Zealand to be demolished
(ENI news) - The earthquake-damaged Anglican
Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand is
beyond repair and will be demolished and
replaced by a new cathedral with a different
design, said Bishop Victoria Matthews on 2
March. The 131-year-old landmark Christ
Church Cathedral was severely damaged in
last year's 22 February earthquake, which
killed 185 people. The building sustained
further damage from several aftershocks
and had been cordoned off.
Show restored Nuremberg trial
film in schools, says British rabbi
(ENI news) - A historic film account of the
post-World War II Nuremberg trials of Nazi
war criminals will shortly go into general
release in Britain and should be shown in
secondary schools, said a prominent Jewish
leader. "Although we cannot live in the past,
it is important not to forget it," Rabbi
Jonathan Romain, spokesman for the Movement
for Reform Judaism in the U.K., told ENInews.
The 90-minute film, titled "Nuremberg: Its
Lesson for Today," was pieced together from
an earlier account made by the U.S. Marine
Corps in 1948 for the then-U.S. Department
of War.
Faith leader urges Lenten fast to
protest mistreatment of tomato harvesters
Washington (ENI news) - The tomato retailer
Publix insists on underpaying workers and
forcing them to work in conditions "most
of us do not and would not tolerate," said
Rev. Michael Livingston, director of the
National Council of Churches Poverty
Initiative. Livingston, a former president
of the National Council of Churches (NCC),
called on churches to express their
disapproval of Publix's policies by
joining farm workers and the Presbyterian
Hunger Program in a public fast on 5 March
to urge the company to change its ways,
according to an NCC news release.
UN experts urge Pakistan to improve
security for religious minorities
Geneva (ENI news) - Three independent
United Nations human rights experts
urged the government of Pakistan on
2 March "to respond decisively" to end
sectarian violence and improve security
for religious minorities, following
targeted killings of Shia Muslims in
February. "These targeted killings once
more display the appalling degree of
religious hatred in a country where
there seems to be a failure to protect
the security of religious minorities,"
said Heiner Bielefeldt, Special
Rapporteur on freedom of religion
or belief, in a statement.
February 27th, 2012
"A brother asked Poemen, 'What am I to do,
for I become weak just by sitting in my
cell?' He said, 'Despise no one, condemn no
one, revile no one: and God will give you
quietness, and you will sit at peace in
your cell.'"
- "Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers"
February 29th, 2012
“Gentle reader, may you never feel what I
then felt! May your eyes never shed such
stormy, scalding, heart-wrung tears as
poured from mine. May you never appeal to
Heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agised
as in that hour left my lips: for never may
you, like me, dread to be the instrument of
evil to what you wholly love.”
- Charlotte Brontë, from "Jane Eyre"
March 1st, 2012
“In abandoning the world we are lost; we are
lost again and again. We may speak poignantly
of the experience of being lost; but we cannot
be clear about ourselves and our situation in
so far as our thinking is dominated by that
experience. Disillusionment with the world
knows nothing of the sacrament of co-existence.
It can find no place for the sacramental act.
It can conjure out of itself no philosophy of
action, for its ultimate implication is
- Henry Bugbee, from "The Inward Morning"
March 2nd, 2012
"For me it is essential to have the inward
peace and serenity of prayer in order to
listen to the silence of God, which speaks
to us, in our personal lives and in the
history of our times, about the power of
- Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Provided from the archives
of the New York Times
On Feb. 27, 1991 - President George H.W. Bush
declared that "Kuwait is liberated, Iraq's army
is defeated," and announced that the allies would
suspend combat operations at midnight.
On Feb. 28, 1993 - a gun battle erupted near
Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms agents tried to serve warrants
on the Branch Davidians; four agents and six
Davidians were killed as a 51-day standoff began.
"In feminist theology therefore, the issue is not
about exchanging pronouns but about another way of
thinking about transcendence. Transcendence is no
longer to be understood as being independent of
everything and ruling over everything else, but
rather as being bound up in the web of life...
that means that we move from "God-above-us" to
"God-within-us" and overcome false transcendence
hierarchically conceived.
- Dorothee Soelle
Soelle points out that there is such a thing
as "false transcendence" that derives from a
"God-above-us" attitude. We can overcome it
with a "God-within-us" perspective.
How different, then, is this understanding of
transcendence from that of rugged independence
that "rules over everything else." Is this kind
of transcendence not more about humble acceptance
than ego-driven superiority?
- Matthew Fox in "Christian Mystics"
Friday, March 2, 2012
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