Saturday, April 20, 2013

Colleagues List, April 21st, 2013

Vol VIII No. 28


Wayne A. Holst, Editor

My E-Mail Address:


Colleagues List Web Site:

Canadian Anglicans Google Groups Web Site:

"Quicklinks" are included with many items.
Otherwise, scroll down to find your selection
in the body of the blog.


Dear Friends:

This will be my last mailing of Colleagues
List until Sunday, May 11th, and after our
return home from seventeen days in Turkey.

I hope to share some initial thoughts about
that intriguing country when I return.


I received a number of fine communications
from colleagues this week, and include them
below for your interest and edification.

Special Items this Week:

A word of thanks is due to those of you
who write me, and who may not write but
who read Colleagues List without comment.

I have a few final words to share on my
health and preparation for the trip to
Turkey which begins Tuesday, April 23rd
and continues to May 9th.


Colleague Comments:

I encourage you to read what the following
colleagues have to say:

Douglas John Hall - writes of his 'last' book
stating that, at 85, he is ready for a rest!
"What Christianity is Not" will be introduced
a few weeks from now on Colleagues List.

Dan Haugen - retired Lutheran pastor, shares
his thoughts from near Prince Albert SK. I
have known Dan for forty years. Thanks, friend.

Herb O'Driscoll - returns to Calgary from
Victoria for a weekend sponsored by The
Wisdom Centre which is located here.
Welcome to Calgary, Herb!

Isabel Gibson - expresses appreciation for a
recent column by Ron Rolheiser appearing here.
Isabel has contributed much good here herself.


Colleague Contributions:

Ron Rolheiser offers his thoughts on
"Stone Jars and Softer Containers"
for which we are grateful.


Net Notes:

"Immortal Diamond" - Catholic spiritual writer
Richard Rohr shares his most recent book, and
is reviewed this week in Englewood Review of Books.

"Extreme Parenting" - Andrew Solomon does
extensive research on families who have
children with disabilities (America Magazine)

"Woman's True Beauty" - only four percent
of women think they are beautiful (is it
because no one tells them they are?) Here
is an important article appearing this week
in Time Magazine.

"Walter Bruggemann on Preaching" - a short
video on what this famous American theologian
thinks preaching should be about (Youtube)

"George Beverly Shea Dies at 104" - sad news
came this week about the death of the Canadian
who stood beside Billy Graham for many years
(Assist News)

"Shea Was a Major Source of Inspiration" -
his spirit sustained the Graham team as
well as the many who heard him sing
(Religious News Service)

"Book Portrays Pope as Moderate Realist" -
John L. Allen suggests a book that could
help many of us discover the real Francis
(National Catholic Reporter)

"Francis to Open File on "Hitler's Pope" -
this announcement will enhance the new
pope's image as a "moderate realist" who
picks up on an issue that concerns many
(National Post)


Wisdom of the Week:

Provided by Sojourners online offer us
the insights of these thoughtful people -

Bonaventure, Eugene Cho, Ste Therese of Lisieux,
an Aboriginal Activist Sister, and William Booth
(founder of the Salvation Army)


Closing Thought - Rob Bell

Bell was the evangelical mega church pastor
who began asking important questions that
some former associates found difficult...


My best to you. I'll be back soon.



Our New Fall Programs will be posted here
shortly, as they develop over the next months.


Contact us at: (or)
St. David's Web Address -

Listen to audio recordings of Sunday services -



An accumulation of thirty-five books studied
since 2000 can quickly be found at:

This collection of study resources represents
more than a decade of Monday Night Studies at
St. David's, plus extra courses too!

You are welcome to use our course outlines,
class notes and resource pages in your personal
and group reflections.




This week I include comments from four
Canadian colleagues. That is a rare number!

Normally I receive comments from colleagues
around the world, even though I write this
weekly letter attempting to be 'international
and ecumenical in nature, Canadian in focus.'

The wonder of the internet is that its reach
is global and the possibilities for building
global community - at least electronically -
is amazing.

I continue to be inspired by the fact that
interested people from around the world
(I have records of 2,300 'hits' in the past
month) who have checked out my site.

May the numbers continue to grow!

But, that said, I am interested in every
reader of Colleagues List, and hope you
continue to write me - personally, or for
public readership.



I was to visit my surgeon this week, six
months since the work on the colon abscess
that had developed after my cancer operation
of almost three years ago.

My cancer cure is holding and I have two more
years before the medical people call me 'cured.'
For that I continue to be grateful.

The abscess is receding and my surgeon hopes
this will continue until it disappears. He
compared his work to bursting a pimple and
releasing/disbursing the infection  In
the meantime, he is pleased with my regimen
of diet and exercise (no medication needed).

"I have walked almost 300 kilometers since
getting out of hospital last October." I told
the doctor. "Now you can turn around and walk
back," he replied. I walk several Ks daily
rather than taking longer walks periodically.
This seems to be the best for me.

Marlene makes sure I eat well, and for her
constant support I am very grateful too.

"You need to remember that you are 70 years old,
not 40," he reminded me. "Don't expect to do
what you did without thinking, 30 years ago."

"You should be the healthiest person on the tour,"
said my doctor. I am in no competition but it was
a compliment.

So as I depart for Turkey with a lovely partner -
and co-hosts John and Brenda Bailey of Coquitlam,
BC I could not be more fortunate.

We are off to a good start!!



Montreal, QC

April 14th, 2013

Dear Wayne,

I must tell you how much I appreciated the
thoughtful review of my WAITING FOR GOSPEL.
The service you provide for Canadian Christians
is remarkable, and it is quite unique.

We all thank you!
My last-yes-last book has now been published,
again by Wipf and Stock, a splendid publishing
house that for several years has served me and
other Christian authors very well.

The book is called  WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS NOT:

The purpose of 'negative' (or apophatic)
theology is, first, to preserve the MYSTERY
of ultimate truth by resisting the temptation
to attribute ultimacy to the penultimate; and,
second, to encourage in believers a spirit of
MODESTY, as becomes those who know they do not
understand but can only stand under God's
living Truth.
The book will be published also by the World
Council of Churches publishing house in Geneva.
Having just observed my 85th birthday, I am
grateful for the vocation to which I was called
sixty-five years ago, and for the extraordinary
mentors and companions who have sustained me.

Sincerely, Doug.


Prince Albert, SK

April 14th, 2013


I thought I should let you know how much I
enjoy exploring the material you provide in
your Colleagues List.

You do well to produce this on such a regular
basis. I appreciate the breadth of resources
you present.

It would give a wonderful basis for good debate,
but I have come to believe that "debate" is
quite difficult in the current culture of our

A seminary professor asked me several years ago
why students no longer challenge the professor
to enter into any real discussion. I think it was
Alan Bloom who suggested that the "virtue" of
"tolerance" in the Western World has made it
difficult for anyone to enter debate. In this
environment he suggested that education becomes
rather shallow and ill equipped to deal with

I believe it is in the turning and exploring of
ideas and issues through discussion and debate
that we discover the many sides of issues that
do not blur reality but help us understand and
see more clearly its wonder and complexity.

I think also the simplistic stereo-typing of
thought(usually into two camps) has also
eliminated debate. It seems it is easier to
stereo-type people in orderto avoid having to deal
with discussion. The stereo-type is itself used
to disqualify anything communicated.

With "two sides" it also tends to simply become
adversarial and produces even less that is
beneficial... and in turn produces more division
and alienation that destroys fellowship.

These observations are meant to be more descriptive
than critical of our time. I guess it suggests also
that I have succumbed to despair for meaningful
dialogue.But it is so good to at least share in the
thoughts and observations of others.

I thank you for this wonderful contribution to
thoughtthough most of the thought it stimulates
in me remains in this small island to which one
sometimes feels banished.

Such is our time. God is not threatened by our

Dan Haugen (retired)

PS  We bought a small acreage beside a 200 acre
naturalpark near Prince Albert. Lots of time for
grandchildren, still play hockey (4 times a week)
and working on some writing.) Life is good.


Victoria, BA

(Sent by Colleague Wayne Stewart

April 9th 2013

Thanks for your Colleagues List mailings, Wayne.

Our mutual friend, Herb O'Driscoll, is coming to
Calgary for an evening presentation and day long
workshop in May. He asked me to send the info
to you (and we will appreciate your circulating
this to anyone you think would be interested).

Hope you can join us.



Herb O'Driscoll's Presentations in Calgary
Sponsored by The Wisdom Centre

Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:30 PM

St. Laurence Anglican Church,
5940 Lakeview Drive SW, Calgary

“Fashion Me a Church”

How do Christians today recover the roots
of the faith to discover how it can form
their understanding of the contemporary

How do we build structures for community
that will enable and nurture Christian


Friday, May 24, 2013 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

St. Laurence Anglican Church

“Morning Has Broken - The Re-Enchantment of
the Contemporary Christian Quest.”

Three presentations by
The Rev. Dr. Herb O’Driscoll and
a chance for participants to dig into the
themes with Herb and with one another.

Half a century after four very young men from
Liverpool captivated the world with their songs.
We are still coming to terms  with the cultural
revolution their music heralded.

Perhaps the most significant development in
Western culture has been the realization that
the depths of that revolution are spiritual.

Sunday, May 26 10: 00 AM
The Rev. Dr. Herb O’Driscoll will preach at
the 10 am worship service at St. Laurence

Register now at http//

Early-bird registration until May 1
Both Thursday and Friday $60 ($70 after May 1)
Thursday only $20 ($25 after May 1)
Friday only $50 (no early bird)

Herbert O’Driscoll was educated and ordained
in Ireland. He came to Canada in 1954. His last
appointment before retiring in 1993 was in Christ
Church, Elbow Park in Calgary.

Between those two dates he was involved across
the Canadian Church in many roles, as parish
priest,as Naval Chaplain and as Cathedral Dean.
He has beenWarden of the College of the National
Cathedral inWashington DC. and a visiting lecturer
in St George’s College in Jerusalem. His lecturing
continues, having been done widely across the
Anglican Communion, in Canada, the United States,
Australia, England, Ireland. He is the author of
many books, and his hymns are sung across a wide
spectrum of Christian traditions.

Married to Paula O’Driscoll, they have three
daughtersand a son, all married. There are four
granddaughters and four grandsons, and one great

The blood is strong!


Ottawa, ON.

April 14th, 2013


Thanks for the link to Rolheiser's article on
secularity. I found his closing paragraphs
particularly poignant - how we struggle to find
something (anything?) that will give us only
'the good'. How we despair at the apparent
'package deal' of amazing personal liberty/
freedom,abortion,pornography, and self-

"If only we could have the one with out
the other(s)!" we cry.  If only we could
be something more than human....





San Antonio, TX

Personal Web Site
April 14th, 2013

"Stone Jars and Softer Containers"



Search for Our True Self

New Book by Richard Rohr
Englewood Review of Books
April 19th, 2013


Review of Andrew Solomon Book
on Raising Handicapped Children
"Far From the Tree"

America Magazine
April 29th, 2013


Most Women Don't Consider
Themselves to be Beautiful

Time Magazine Online
April 19th, 2013


Centrality of the Biblical Text

Columbia Theological Seminary
Short Youtube Presentation


Longtime Billy Graham Associate

Assist News
April 16th, 2013


He Was a Major Source of Inspiration

Religious News Service
April 17th, 2013


Study Based on His Record in Argentina
and His Work in the Roman Curia

John L. Allan
April 18th, 2013


Delicate But Important Issue Needs Airing

National Post
April 19th, 2013



Provided by Sojourners Online:

The outcome or the fruit of reading Holy
Scripture is by no means negligible: it is
the fullness of eternal happiness.

These are the books which tell us of eternal
life, which were written, not only that we
might believe, but also that we might have
everlasting life. The purpose of the Scriptures,
which come to us from God, is to lead us to the
fullness of the truth. In order to achieve this,
we must study holy Scripture carefully, and
teachit and listen to it in the same way.

- Bonaventure


I can't explain everything but I know this:
In both the joys and pains of life, God is
with you. God rejoices and mourns with you.
You are not alone.

- Eugene Cho


The only way to make rapid progress along
the path of divine love is to remain very
little and put all our trust in Almighty God.

- Saint Therese of Lisieux


If you have come to help me, you are wasting
your time. But if you have come because your
liberation is bound up with mine, then
let us walk together.

- An Aboriginal Activist Sister


Consider that the chief dangers which confront
the coming century will be religion without
the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ,
forgiveness without repentance, salvation
without regeneration, politics without God,
and heaven without hell.

- William Booth, at end of the 19th century



Rob Bell, Author of "Love Wins"

May you experience this vast,
expansive, infinite, indistructable love
that has been yours all along.
May you discover that this love is as wide
as the sky and as small as the cracks in
your heart no one else knows about.
And may you know,
deep in your bones,
that love wins.

- Concluding chapter


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